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Cora Z7 Linux build for Matlab




We are trying to add the Cora Z7 as a custom board into Matlab to allow model based development. We have been following this guide: define-and-register-custom-board-and-reference-design-for-zynq-workflow, but are getting stuck at linking to the Linux bit (the last step); (step 4 of section 'Integrate the IP core with the Xilinx Vivado environment' referenced here Getting Started with Targeting Xilinx Zynq Platform).

We have Petalinux installed on an SD card, and can ssh into this etc., but its missing the necessary matlab customisation. We need to either use build root, or customise the Petalinux build.  From Mathworks: 



For unsupported or custom boards, you would have 2 options:

1) Using the Mathworks buildroot environment from our GitHub repository, create a new image for your board: 


This would involve creating a new FSBL (First Stage Bootloader), device tree, and possibly reconfiguring of the kernel to include additional drivers required by your board.

Refer to the following readme for basic instructions on how to use the buildroot: https://github.com/mathworks/buildroot/blob/master/board/mathworks/doc/readme.md

2) Using some existing Linux image or other build framework (e.g. Petalinux), configure and build only the required MathWorks drivers against your kernel source and add them to your image.


So my questions are:

  1. Does anyone have a built image for the Cora Z7 using either of these methods?   / a Linux image that we can use for this board with Matlab?.
  2. Can we use buildroot with the Cora Z7, such as by using the Zybo as an example and adapting this to suit the Cora? HAs anyone tried this?
  3. Does anyone have experience of the drivers necessary for Matlab, and how to add these to and rebuild the Petalinux kernel source?



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Not sure what else is stated in the context of the quoted text but it looks like it is about a kernel module which can be included in petalinux by 1) configuring the kernel if the module is already included in the kernel sources. 2) patch and configure the kernel if not. 3) create a petalinux (yocto) recipe* for building the respective module out of tree then add it to the rootfs.

*This recipe may already exist.

It is possible other software are reqired for the final image to properly work with matlab.

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