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Change PCam Output format



Hello everybody,

I am building a Petalinux v2019.1 project to save images using v4l2 driver. 
The pipeline is simple which includes Pcam-> MIPI csi2 rx subsystem -> sensor Demosaic -> video frame buffer write

When I use v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video0 --set-fmt-video=widhth=1280,height=720,pixelformat=RGB24 --stream-mmap --stream-count=1 --stream-to = test.raw to save the Image. test.raw file is saved however it is of size zero.

When asked on forums it turned out that there is issue with output format. 
According to Pcam reference manual it supports RAW10, RGB565 , CCIR656, YUV422/420, YCbCr422 and JPEG compression.

Unfortunately MIPI IP core driver doesn't support RAW 10 format.


Is there a way I can change PCam output format to RAW8 ?
Thanks in Advance.


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