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Help needed on using UART_1 with Cora Z7-10 and PetaLinux (please?!)




I've opened the Cora-Z7-10-base-linux project in Vivado 2017.4 (to avoid any version-dependent issues) on Linux, and I was hoping to be able to route the UART 1 device from the ZYNQ7 Processing System out to the outside world. Ideally I'd like it to be wired up to the DP0 and DP1 pins, as I have a nice little Arduino Click2 adapter that I can put an RS485 Click board one.

However, being very new to all this Zynq/Cora/Vivado stuff, I'm not sure how to do it.

I started off (with a bit of advice from someone who knows more about this than me, but was rushing off home!) by opening the ZYNQ7 Processing System for re-customisation, and, in the Peripheral I/O Pins view, clicking on the EMIO button at the end of the UART1 row, and clicking OK. At this point, the block design is updated and UART_1 shows up on the ZYNQ7 Processing System block. Then I expanded UART_1 and, for each of the signals, right clicked and selected "Make external" before saving the block design and doing "Generate Block Design" again. The signal names related to UART 1 then showed up in the wrapper VHDL.

Next, to try to map then to the Arduino I/O pins, I edited the constraints file by uncommenting and updating the ck_io0 and ck_io1 lines to be as follows:

set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN U14   IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { UART1_RX_0 }]; #IO_L11P_T1_SRCC_34 Sch=ck_io[0]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN V13   IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { UART1_TX_0 }]; #IO_L3N_T0_DQS_34 Sch=ck_io[1]

Save, and "Generate Bitstream" to make all the steps run..

Unfortunately it breaks here with the following errors and critical warnings in the Messages view:

Design Initialization
[Vivado 12-1411] Cannot set LOC property of ports, Cannot set PACKAGE_PIN property of ports,  port UART1_RX_0 can not be placed on PACKAGE_PIN U14 because the PACKAGE_PIN is occupied by port shield_dp0_dp13_tri_io[0] ["/home/jmccabe/work/Cora-Z7-10/Cora-Z7-10-base-linux/src/constraints/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc":92]

Place Design
[Place 30-58] IO placement is infeasible. Number of unplaced terminals (1) is greater than number of available sites (0).
The following are banks with available pins: 
 IO Group: 0 with : SioStd: LVCMOS18   VCCO = 1.8 Termination: 0  TermDir:  In   RangeId: 1  has only 0 sites available on device, but needs 1 sites.
	Term: UART1_RX_0

[Place 30-374] IO placer failed to find a solution
Below is the partial placement that can be analyzed to see if any constraint modifications will make the IO placement problem easier to solve.

|                                                                     IO Placement : Bank Stats                                                                           |
| Id | Pins  | Terms |                               Standards                                |                IDelayCtrls               |  VREF  |  VCCO  |   VR   | DCI |
|  0 |     0 |     0 |                                                                        |                                          |        |        |        |     |
| 13 |     0 |     0 |                                                                        |                                          |        |        |        |     |
| 34 |    50 |    33 | LVCMOS33(33)                                                           |                                          |        |  +3.30 |    YES |     |
| 35 |    50 |    41 | LVCMOS33(41)                                                           |                                          |        |  +3.30 |    YES |     |
|    |   100 |    74 |                                                                        |                                          |        |        |        |     |

IO Placement:
| BankId |             Terminal | Standard        | Site                 | Pin                  | Attributes           |
| 34     | Shield_I2C_scl_io    | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y1             | P16                  |                      |
|        | Shield_I2C_sda_io    | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y2             | P15                  |                      |
|        | Shield_SPI_io0_io    | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y29            | W15                  |                      |
|        | Shield_SPI_io1_io    | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y46            | T12                  |                      |
|        | d_dp0_dp13_tri_io[0] | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y28            | U14                  |                      |
|        | _dp0_dp13_tri_io[10] | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y27            | U15                  |                      |
|        | d_dp0_dp13_tri_io[1] | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y43            | V13                  |                      |
|        | d_dp0_dp13_tri_io[2] | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y40            | T14                  |                      |
|        | d_dp0_dp13_tri_io[3] | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y39            | T15                  |                      |
|        | d_dp0_dp13_tri_io[4] | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y8             | V17                  |                      |
|        | d_dp0_dp13_tri_io[5] | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y7             | V18                  |                      |
|        | d_dp0_dp13_tri_io[6] | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y11            | R17                  | *                    |
|        | d_dp0_dp13_tri_io[7] | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y37            | R14                  | *                    |
|        | d_dp0_dp13_tri_io[8] | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y24            | N18                  |                      |
|        | _dp26_dp41_tri_io[0] | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y12            | R16                  |                      |
|        | _dp26_dp41_tri_io[1] | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y45            | U12                  |                      |
|        | _dp26_dp41_tri_io[2] | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y44            | U13                  |                      |
|        | _dp26_dp41_tri_io[3] | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y30            | V15                  |                      |
|        | _dp26_dp41_tri_io[4] | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y32            | T16                  |                      |
|        | _dp26_dp41_tri_io[5] | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y31            | U17                  |                      |
|        | _dp26_dp41_tri_io[6] | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y10            | T17                  |                      |
|        | _dp26_dp41_tri_io[7] | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y9             | R18                  |                      |
|        | _dp26_dp41_tri_io[8] | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y3             | P18                  |                      |
|        | _dp26_dp41_tri_io[9] | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y4             | N17                  |                      |
|        | user_dio_tri_io[10]  | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y17            | W20                  |                      |
|        | user_dio_tri_io[2]   | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y22            | N20                  |                      |
|        | user_dio_tri_io[3]   | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y21            | P20                  |                      |
|        | user_dio_tri_io[4]   | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y23            | P19                  |                      |
|        | user_dio_tri_io[5]   | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y49            | R19                  |                      |
|        | user_dio_tri_io[6]   | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y20            | T20                  |                      |
|        | user_dio_tri_io[7]   | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y0             | T19                  |                      |
|        | user_dio_tri_io[8]   | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y19            | U20                  |                      |
|        | user_dio_tri_io[9]   | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y18            | V20                  |                      |
| 35     | Shield_SPI_sck_io    | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y62            | H15                  |                      |
|        | Shield_SPI_ss_io     | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y88            | F16                  |                      |
|        | btns_2bits_tri_i[0]  | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y91            | D20                  |                      |
|        | btns_2bits_tri_i[1]  | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y92            | D19                  |                      |
|        | rgb_led[0]           | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y55            | L15                  |                      |
|        | rgb_led[1]           | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y68            | G17                  |                      |
|        | rgb_led[2]           | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y58            | N15                  |                      |
|        | rgb_led[3]           | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y99            | G14                  |                      |
|        | rgb_led[4]           | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y56            | L14                  |                      |
|        | rgb_led[5]           | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y53            | M15                  |                      |
|        | _dp0_dp13_tri_io[11] | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y75            | K18                  |                      |
|        | _dp0_dp13_tri_io[12] | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y72            | J18                  |                      |
|        | _dp0_dp13_tri_io[13] | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y61            | G15                  | *                    |
|        | d_dp0_dp13_tri_io[9] | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y83            | M18                  |                      |
|        | dp26_dp41_tri_io[10] | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y84            | M17                  |                      |
|        | dp26_dp41_tri_io[11] | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y77            | L17                  |                      |
|        | dp26_dp41_tri_io[12] | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y73            | H17                  |                      |
|        | dp26_dp41_tri_io[13] | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y71            | H18                  |                      |
|        | dp26_dp41_tri_io[14] | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y67            | G18                  |                      |
|        | dp26_dp41_tri_io[15] | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y81            | L20                  |                      |
|        | user_dio_tri_io[0]   | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y82            | L19                  |                      |
|        | user_dio_tri_io[11]  | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y80            | K19                  |                      |
|        | user_dio_tri_io[1]   | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y86            | M19                  |                      |
|        | vaux0_v_n            | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y97            | B20                  |                      |
|        | vaux0_v_p            | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y98            | C20                  |                      |
|        | vaux12_v_n           | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y69            | F20                  |                      |
|        | vaux12_v_p           | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y70            | F19                  |                      |
|        | vaux13_v_n           | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y63            | G20                  |                      |
|        | vaux13_v_p           | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y64            | G19                  |                      |
|        | vaux15_v_n           | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y51            | J16                  |                      |
|        | vaux15_v_p           | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y52            | K16                  |                      |
|        | vaux1_v_n            | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y93            | D18                  |                      |
|        | vaux1_v_p            | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y94            | E17                  |                      |
|        | vaux5_v_n            | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y65            | H20                  |                      |
|        | vaux5_v_p            | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y66            | J20                  |                      |
|        | vaux6_v_n            | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y59            | J14                  |                      |
|        | vaux6_v_p            | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y60            | K14                  |                      |
|        | vaux8_v_n            | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y95            | A20                  |                      |
|        | vaux8_v_p            | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y96            | B19                  |                      |
|        | vaux9_v_n            | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y89            | E19                  |                      |
|        | vaux9_v_p            | LVCMOS33        | IOB_X0Y90            | E18                  |                      |

[Place 30-99] Placer failed with error: 'IO Clock Placer failed'
Please review all ERROR, CRITICAL WARNING, and WARNING messages during placement to understand the cause for failure.

[Common 17-69] Command failed: Placer could not place all instances

It seems that I naively thought that those lines being commented out meant those signals weren't connected (shows how little I know!).

Can anyone give me any pointers on how to overcome this, or how I should be doing this?

Any help will be very gratefully appreciated.


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