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Everything posted by attila

  1. Hi @WojtekO It will be in the next version. The AD IA Adapter could be hooked to ADP3X50 using the DIOs (4-7, 12-15), 2 Scope, 1 Wavegen channel and 5V from the USB connectors at the back. https://digilent.com/reference/_media/reference/instrumentation/analog_discovery_impedance_analyzer_sch.pdf To fine tune the setup use a pF capacitor, Ref 1M and adjust the Options/ ProbeCap to have a flat response.
  2. Hi @Kota Uchida The maxim number of Bytes is only visible in I2C/ Master mode. pic 1 I'll add a more visible information information for this, like it is for the Spy/Slave/RD. pic 2 Without "Clock Stretching" the 1st device configuration having 1Ki Patterns buffer supports up to 112 Bytes (+address) and with the 4th configuration 16Ki buffer up to 1819 Bytes transfers. With the "Clock Stretching" checked it allows up to 1MB transfers. The data may be split based on the device buffer size at 9B (1Ki) or 151B (16Ki), having a few ms delay between the chunks. pic 3,4
  3. Hi @calmettes If you are looking for SPI Spy see the WF/ SDK/ samples/ py/ DigitalIn_Spi_Spy.py Digital_Spi_Spy.py With the WF application you could do something like this: const bpw = 16; // bits/word while(wait()){ Logic.single(); if(!Logic.wait()) break; var bits = Logic.Channels.DIO2.data; print("bits:", bits); var data = []; for(var i = 0; i < bits.length; i++){ if((i%bpw)==0) data.push(0); data[floor(i/bpw)] = (data[floor(i/bpw)]<<1) | bits[i]; } print("data:", data); }
  4. Hi @kapinjala To make sure it is not a software or configuration issue: - Load Factory calibration under WF/ Settings/ Device Manager/ Calibration/ Reset and press Apply - Reconnect the device, close and start the application in safe mode. This will clear the static application settings and the recent workspace list. - Connect V+ to Scope input 1+, V- to 2+ (1-/2- to GND or leave floating) and use Scope or Voltmeter instrument to test the Supply outputs - Instead of the Scope input you could also use an external DMM to test the supply(s) If it is still not working, for warranty and replacement contact the support.digilent at ni.com specifying the Date of Purchase, Seller and Purchase Order/ Web order Number.
  5. Hi @kapinjala Could you describe the experiment when it broke? What circuit have you used? How was the circuit supplied?
  6. Hi @Gianluigi De Geronimo @Colleen C I see now that you are using and looking at noise of the power supply outputs of the Analog Discovery. Such noise on these is expected since since these are outputs of buck-boost converters. The noise depends on the switching frequency and mode. https://digilent.com/reference/test-and-measurement/analog-discovery-2/hardware-design-guide#user_voltage_supplies You could use additional filtering on these or use the Wavegen outputs in DC mode for up to 10-50mA (depending on voltage level) or external supply source like batteries.
  7. Hi @anLiao The "constant connection and disconnection" indicates a contact issue. If the problem is not with the cable or on the computer side then probably it is with the device. Have you tried cleaning the micro USB receptacle of the device by blowing and/or using a soft brush? Make sure there is no dust or shavings in the receptacle. If this doesn't help the internal contact plate could be damaged or a solder issue. For warranty and replacement contact the support.digilent at ni.com specifying the Date of Purchase, Seller and Purchase Order/ Web order Number.
  8. Hi @ManonH Unfortunately it is not possible to select step sample link, only linear and smooth curve under Settings/ Options/ Graphics
  9. Hi @Gianluigi De Geronimo Please provide more information about your setup, circuit diagram and photo, FFT with 100MHz and 1MHz.
  10. Hi @bryan78 You could use the Script tool to print or log measurements to file. DMM.run(); while(wait(2.0)){ // every 2 seconds print(DMM.Measure.value) //FileAppendLine("~/Desktop/log.txt", DMM.Measure.value) }
  11. Hi @Hatman The WaveForms application Scope measurements are not available in the SDK. The Spectrum/FFT peak with weighted average should give a more accurate frequency measurement. For this you could use the newly added FDwfSpectrum# functions.
  12. Hi @ArjunKariat The Read/Write functions are for master operations. There are no Script functions for SPI spy. You could use the WF SDK for such. See the samples/ py/ DigitalIn_Spi_Spy_DD.py
  13. Dear @Gianluigi De Geronimo First you should see if the lighting or other nearby devices cause the issue, or AD2 5VDC supply makes a difference. The cheaper ADUM4160 isolator are USB FS, will limit the data transfer rate but this is noticeable when streaming (doing Scope Record or Wavegen Play) and it will likely require 5VDC supply.
  14. @Gianluigi De Geronimo @Colleen C Please also send a photo with the test setup, AD2 + wiring + circuit Did you try 5VDC supply for AD2 ? This should reduce ground loop in case you are supplying the circuit externally (switching supply or other USB port) An USB isolator should be used to completely remove ground loop effects.
  15. Hi @Gianluigi De Geronimo The AD scope input stage is not shielded so it can pick up external radiation. The 20kHz brings to my mind fluorescent bulbs, which use to have high radiation at about 20-50kHz. If you have such lighting in the lab you could try to turn it off. To see if the the problem is with the device short the Scope inputs (1+ to 1- and 2+ to 2-) then Wavegen outputs to Scope inputs (W1 to 1+ and W2 to 2+ and 1/2- to GND). Please provide some screenshots using the affected devices with FFT at 100MHz and 1MHz to see the components.
  16. Hi @Paul_Levin There is no such option but: - you could open two Spectrum windows, File/New or Ctrl+click on Spectrum, but only one of them can run at a time - or increase the transparency option under Settings/Options/Graphics - or use Script/plot but you will not have the cursors and other options
  17. Hi @maxwell_ You can use the following Script with Record and data compression, here you have the workspace: dt.dwf3work Here I used the Patterns to generated signals with delay.
  18. Hi @MarcusD Not entirely since the scope input also has bandwidth limitation, it also depends on the tested circuit, the load/wire characteristics...
  19. Hi @bjorn_s This is probably some Windows driver issue. Did you try restarting (not shutdown) the computer while the device disconnect? You could try to "Uninstall device" the "USB serial converter" in Windows Device manager then reconnect the device or do a "Scan for hardware changes" to make sure drivers are reinstall.
  20. Hi @MarcusD High frequency signals get attenuated due to bandwidth limitations, more on Wavegen output than on the Scope input for AD2, see: https://digilent.com/reference/test-and-measurement/analog-discovery-2/hardware-design-guide#awg_spectral_characteristics https://digilent.com/reference/test-and-measurement/analog-discovery-2/hardware-design-guide#scope_spectral_characteristics
  21. Hi @Colleen C Such noise is expected:
  22. Hi @Chazzo Your findings are correct.
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