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Everything posted by attila

  1. attila


    The ADP5250 can be used from LabVIEW with the VirtualBench driver. See: https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA03q000000x15jCAA The driver can be installed manually to newer LabVIEW versions like it is described here: https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA00Z000000kJXaSAM Like from C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2019\... to C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2021\...
  2. Hi @joeck Use record mode to have information about lost/corrupt samples like in case of a "hiccup". The scan modes do not give such info, these are intended to simply get the last N samples. For AD1,AD2,ADP3 you can enable the data compression which will support higher rate for typical burst transfers protocols SPI,I2C... See WF SDK/ samples/ py/ DigitalIn_Record.py DigitalIn_Record_Compress.py
  3. Hi @Andrzej Probably other ICs on the device are damaged as well, like NC7SZ126 and/or the FPGA. On software connection the FPGA done flag is verified through JTAG. This bit should be low but in your case it looks like it is read as high. The DptiIO communication fails since with ERC 2 the FPGA is not programmed but I don't see the cause of the following connection retry error of 3077. You could try "Force programming" under right-click or Options in this Device Manager. This will skip the done flag verification and program the FPGA but this will probably also fail.
  4. Hi @Psoas The IC20 switch limits the initial USB power consumption. Bypassing it will exceed the initial/unconfigured USB spec of 100mA (~50mA with IC20 and ~220mA with bypass) but I'm unaware of any host using such limitation so the device should work normally with the bypass. https://digilent.com/reference/test-and-measurement/analog-discovery-2/hardware-design-guide#analog_supplies_control http://www.analog.com/en/switchesmultiplexers/analog-switches/adp197/products/product.html
  5. Hi @Robin Oswald 1. The "coherents" is the older method with periodic restart (at least 1ms) of Wavegen that creates 0-10ns shift and the steps you have noticed, it will be removed later. The "coherent" does not restart. 2. The "cohere" is the number of segments for 'coherence' measurement. It is available regardless of averaging.
  6. Hi @MagicSmoke I've added it to the to-do-list. Thank you for the post.
  7. Hi @Robin Oswald In the latest version the NA uses continuous signal also for coherent averaging. (After updating reconnect the AD2 or select with force reprogramming in order the new triggering to work.) I hope the coherence calculation is fine now. For coherent averaging the coherence is calculated on the averaged data and for mag/phase averaging the coherences are averaged.
  8. Hi @bhayesoberst I've managed to reproduce a bug when using more than 100M samples, probably it is the same as you have noticed. It will be fixed in the next version.
  9. Hi @bhayesoberst Which software version are you using? Have you tried the latest beta version? https://forum.digilent.com/topic/8908-waveforms-beta-download/ Please provide some information, steps and/or screenshots, to be able to reproduce the problem. Thank you
  10. Hi @Robin Oswald 1. With coherent average there is just a phase shift on the signal, at worst (10ns) like this: 2. I think it is ok. In the earlier experiment C2 = W1 (sweep 1V) + W2 (1MHz 1V) When the stimulus signal freq equals to the other one, the spectrum is concentrated at the signal, there is only one peak (@1MHz), coherence is 1 ... C1 and C2 have 1 peak. When the two signals have the same magnitude but different frequency, we have two equal peaks (0.9995Mhz and 1MHz), coherence is 0.5 ... C1 has 1 peak and C2 2 peaks.
  11. Hi @Robin Oswald When coherent averaging is selected the signal generator is periodically restarted in order the scope to trigger in each capture during averaging at the same phase. The restart period is the full number of signal cycles which cover a scope capture. Like for 8192 samples captured at 100MHz is 8.192us and this, for signals from 999.88kHz to 1MHz will be the same 82us due rounding to the 100MHz system frequency. The periodicity of this could interfere with the other signal. For the next version I've added a minimum condition of ~1ms restart period and this seems to solve the coherent step artifact. Here W1 is connected to 1+ and 2+, and W2 with 1MHz to 2- R1 is the earlier step issue and C1 with the ~1ms fix. The Coherence plot is working. The referenceerror is wrong, it is due to the TH# parameter and fixed for the next version. I want to fix and test a few new things before building the next installer. Hope to be ready with it next week. Thank you for the observation.
  12. Hi @Dimitris Check the Auto after "Run: Continuous" or set a finite Run time. Edit: The "firmware" in the next software version 3.18.29 (next week) will generate Wavegen trigger on each signal start when the runtime is continuous.
  13. Hi @Louism Long time ago (10+years) some of the first USB 3.0 laptops had problems (probably host controller/driver issue) with USB 2.0 devices and a USB hub was a solution. I haven't heard of such a problem since. Could it be a contact issue? It could also be a wrong driver installed. To solve this: Having the device connected without hub, go to Windows Device Manager, open "USB Serial Converter", Uninstall Device with Delete checked. Then, reconnect or press Scan for hardware changes, Search auto... or from C:\Program Files (x86)\Digilent\Runtime\UsbDriver\ or install D2XX driver from https://ftdichip.com/drivers/d2xx-drivers/ like https://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/CDM/CDM v2.12.36.4 WHQL Certified.zip
  14. Hi @mdm102 The latest version lets you add 20. I just notice the default color for the 16+ is white, which needs to be corrected.
  15. Hi @mkj With TS (three-state) output half of the buffer is available since each sample is stored on 2 bits to represent: 0, 1 or Z Use PP, OS or OD
  16. Hi @Tamires The record/play uses data streaming so the rate is limited by the available USB bandwidth and computer performance. Normally it should work at up to 1-2MHz. The normal (single) acquisitions can go up to maximum sample rate (100MHz) limited to the available device buffer size 8-16Ki samples for AD2.
  17. Hi @Tamires Use the following shown in some examples: # 2nd configuration for Analog Discovery with 16k analog-in buffer #dwf.FDwfDeviceConfigOpen(c_int(-1), c_int(1), byref(hdwf))
  18. Hi @soak For AD2 method 1 should be similar to taken, method 2 is probably not supported by the embedded JS engine. For lower latency you could use WF SDK.
  19. Hi @shazbot For such purpose see the Eclypse Z7 and Zmods: https://digilent.com/reference/programmable-logic/eclypse-z7/start
  20. Hi @ManonH I just notice from your screenshots that you are using Linux mode. With this the recording/streaming is limited by the USB bandwidth to about 2MSps With Standard mode more buffering is available up 128Mi samples @ 125MHz or unlimited @ about 4MSps In the latest version a DDR buffering problem is partially fixed: I think it will work for your use case. It is still not working perfectly when the system frequency is set to fractional values (like 124.9MHz) and the noise band at lower rates (<3MBps). I've added a temporary option to disable the "DDR recording". This should work fine at lower rate < 7MSps
  21. Hi @harlano 1. Make sure the Load VCP is unchecked 2. Reprogram the device if it was accidentally erased. See the following post for instructions:
  22. Hi @ManonH I think I've managed to reproduce. It will be fixed in the next version. Until this to overcome the problem set 125MHz system frequency. With the Standard boot mode it should be able to capture 128Mi samples at up to 125MHz.
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