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Everything posted by attila

  1. Hi @Bartt Some dependencies may be broken. Try reinstalling digilent.adept.runtime and digilent.waveforms https://digilent.com/reference/software/adept/start https://digilent.com/reference/software/waveforms/waveforms-3/start try: apt fix-broken install
  2. Hi @bryan78 This jump is related to the newly added cross-tracking between the plot and Event view. It will be fixed in the next version.
  3. Hi @Albertu95 For falling edge set Hysteresis to zero or set level + hyst. This falling edge level +/- hyst will corrected in the next version.
  4. Hi @bryan78 This bug may be related to the recently added cross-tracking between the plot and Event view, and Data view in Logic Analyzer and Scope. I will try to reproduce and fix it next week. Thank you for the observation.
  5. Hi @CFalardeau97 It the application is in the PATH or next to the app then it can be called just by name (like: ping, cmd, ...) otherwise the full path should be used, like: Tool.start("C:/test/myapp.exe"). The argument array is optional, depends on your app. The work directory is also optional, it depends if you need this for your app or not. In some cases the app may need to be open like this: Tool.start("cmd", ["/c myapp.exe"], "C:/test/")
  6. Hi @CFalardeau97 You can use Tool.start or Tool.exec like: print(Tool.exec("C:/Windows/System32/cmd.exe", ["/c", "pwd && dir"], "C:/temp"));
  7. Hi @bryan78 Could you provide more detail about the problems? I don't seem to be able to reproduce.
  8. Hi @Eliel Santos Which WaveForms version are you using? And also make sure to install the Adept Runtime. Please try using the latest ones: https://digilent.com/reference/software/waveforms/waveforms-3/start https://forum.digilent.com/topic/8908-waveforms-beta-download/
  9. Hi @Tamires The bits in each sample represent DIO 15...0 There is no option to change this but you could use masking and/or shifting in your application as needed.
  10. Hi @Alessandro Exactly. The FDwfAnalogInStatus fetches information from the device, the FDwfAnalogInStatus... functions return the loaded values.
  11. Hi @s4fq7 Make sure the set the Output to TS beforehand. For three-state signals use 0, 1, z or Z and for bus values use binary b01zZ or vector v01zZ format/notation. To export the pattern used the Export (->) button in the editor, 2nd after the Import button.
  12. Hi @Alessandro Yes, the analog-in samples are always synchronous. Trigger is needed for instrument (scope, AWGs...) and/or device synchronization. dwf.FDwfAnalogInStatus(hdwf, c_int(False), None) # fetch samples from device dwf.FDwfAnalogInStatusSample(hdwf, c_int(0), byref(voltage1)) dwf.FDwfAnalogInStatusSample(hdwf, c_int(1), byref(voltage2))
  13. Hi @Albertu95 Scope.run(); Scope.wait(); // wait for the capture to be done
  14. Hi @Paul Chang We don't have such specification but the IA Adapter module has 6 reference resistors ranging from 10R (limited by the AWG output drive 10-50mA) to 1M (500k taking in consideration the scope input impedance). The further away the tested impedance is from the reference the accuracy is reduced. https://digilent.com/reference/add-ons/impedance-analyzer/start Here are some extreme measurements ~1uH (mR with 10R) and 39pF (G with 1M ref)
  15. Hi @Sinaptec Looking at the code, the input phase always shows C1 - C2 phase, it is not modified based on mode/order. Edit: The Input Gain and Phase are raw values, may be useful for network analysis. All the other measurements take in consideration the probe/scope input impedance and open/short compensations when these are performed and enabled.
  16. Hi @Virus Check for short at 1. The missing 1uF (2) should not affect since there is additional 0.1 and 10 on this rail.
  17. Hi @Sinaptec The warning threshold is set to Vrms/Irms/R exceeding 25x or x/25 (1-x/25=96%), indicating low measurement precision than can be improved with lower or higher reference resistor.
  18. Hi @Virus The excessive consumption/heating of the USB controller probably indicates that it is damaged. Such could happen due to high USB voltage and in this case other ICs may be damaged as well.
  19. Hi @AndreiH Up to 128Mi oscilloscope samples in shared buffer 128Mi@125MHz/1C, 64Mi@62.5MHz/2C, 32Mi@31.25MHz/4C, "unlimited" at rates below 1MHz For digital 64Mi samples buffering but with data compression it can fit much more for typical signals, "unlimited" at lower rates.
  20. Hi @dragonLin If a device is hold open (FDwfDeviceOpen) by a process after disconnect, the information from this is kept in a shared table so it will be listed by enumerations. The applications/scripts should close the device (FDwfDeviceClose/All) after the task is complete or function failure (returning zero). For long running operation to periodically check if a device is available the FDwfAnalogIOStatus function can be used, this is also used by the WF app, like in AnalogIO_AnalogDiscovery2_SystemMonitor.py The return value of any other function can be used as well, like FDwfAnalogInStatus The connection attempt to a disconnected or already open/busy device will fail. It should work, see WF SDK/ samples/ py/ Device_Enumeration.py commenting: dwf.FDwfEnum(enumfilterAll, byref(cDevice)) and uncommenting: dwf.FDwfEnum(c_int(enumfilterType.value|enumfilterUSB.value), byref(cDevice))
  21. Hi @FelixJ For ROM logic the first DIOs are use as address bits with a width of custom buffer size. For the first/default device configuration with 1Ki Patterns buffer the address space is 10bits so DIO 0 to 9 can be used as input for the ROM logic. With the 4th and 7th 16Ki DIO 0-14 https://digilent.com/reference/waveforms_-_rom_logic
  22. Hi @InductorConductor See: https://digilent.com/reference/test-and-measurement/analog-discovery-2-breadboard-breakout/start https://digilent.com/reference/test-and-measurement/bb-adapter-board/start
  23. Hi @Albertu95 You can use something like this to measure the delay with higher approximation/interpolation : var trig = Scope.Trigger.Level.real; var c = Scope.Time.Samples.real; var v2 = 0; // T0 is aligned to trigger crossing for(var i = floor(Scope.Time.IndexOf(0))-1; i < c; i++){ var v = Scope.Channel2.Sample(i); if(v<trig){ v2 = v; continue; } var s = i - (v-trig)/(v-v2); var t = Scope.Time.TimeOf(s); print(i, t*1e9, "ns"); break; }
  24. Hi @Albertu95 See the other examples, the Help tab, use Ctrl+Space, see the script references in the status-bar, other posts... like the one below Use .text or .value to set/get a parameter.
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