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  1. I found the dwf.dll and device driver in the installed path at windows. but I can't find the Adept Runtime library. Could I copy it from my computer after install the WaveFrom SDK or software. the installed path have 3 forlders, Runtime/WaveForms3/WaveFormsSDK. WaveFormsSDK : x86/x64 dwf.dll Runtime : usbDriver/usbDriver2 I can't find the Adept library.
  2. Thanks, But what or where could get "Adept Runtime" and Driver to make our software to use it without install WaveForm tool.
  3. Is any way to use dwf.dll in software at without install digilent.waveforms PC? we want use import the required library only and no need to install waveform software.
  4. yes, 1. FDwfAnalogIOStatus works. 2. also works. thanks for your support.
  5. Hi, I can get device numbers from function FDwfEnum when I pulg-in AD2 by usb interface. But it still get 1 device when I open it then remove it from usb port. Is any way to detecting AD2 is or not on usb port? the other question is=> the filter function is not work. it always get 0 devices, when I used filter. FDwfEnum(enumfilterType|enumfilterUSB, cnt); it works at FDwfEnum(0, cnt);
  6. I got data with offset from FDwfAnalogInStatusData16 function. But FDwfAnalogInStatusData is no. is it need to set some parameter to get with offset data at FDwfAnalogInStatusData function?
  7. When I adjust the parameter(1.0V) analog in offset. the data is no show after adjustment offset.(FDwfAnalogInStatusData) But it is showing offset at FDwfAnalogInStatusData16 function. How can I get data from FDwfAnalogInStatusData function with offset shift.
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