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Everything posted by attila

  1. Hi @David Aurora It will be in the next build.
  2. Hi @Aurelien SPI Slave feature is not yet available with SDK. I'll port it from the application to the library later. It could be implemented using state machine with ROM logic but this is very complicated to do.
  3. Hi @David Aurora Thank you. I'll tell my boss 🙂
  4. Hi @Eugene101 Is the wiring to the two scope channels completely identical and symmetric, splitter in middle and identical cables ? If you are using probes at 10X you could try adjusting the trimmers. The device has two trimmers for each channel for positive and negative inputs. These may need a bit of adjustment for high range, above 5Vpk2pk, 500mV/div. The 2nd and 3rd trimmers are for +, and 1st and 4th for - input. With short BNC cables + T splitter I see ~0.005dB difference at low and ~0.02dB high range between the channel readings. This may also come from the BNC adapter capacitance difference.
  5. Hi @AHT The WaveForms application is available for Windows, MacOS and Linux. The "USB Device" should be 'software attached' to the Virtual Machine if you want to control it from this. Which VM are you using ?
  6. Hi @Abdullah1 Which device are you using? With Analog Discovery 3, ADP2230, ADP3X50... notice the high precision hardware trigger datetime stamp in top of the plot. With WaveForms app to improve the capture rate set: Update: Fastest, uncheck Noise, specify Samples, Edge Hist: Off (may work even with On), specify Buffers and Run: Buffer Stop For Buffers you can specify +1 since the first capture(s) seems to have a bit more delay, probably due to initial memory allocations. Make sure the Scope is not visible, like select Welcome tab, press Run button in Scope tab. Then export data using Script tool, looping through Scope.Buffer.value, like from 2 to 101 The ADP2230, ADP3X50 have device buffering which provides ~1us capture latency. This can be enabled under the dropdown before Buffer option. Since transfer does not influence capture latency, the View/Logging can be used to auto export captures sequentially. Custom app/script can perform better than WF app if less processing is performed between captures, like 4096 samples @ 100MHz on 2 channels at 1ms See the following example: AnalogIn_Triggers.py
  7. Hi @David Aurora Thank you for your feedback. I will try to add such a feature asap.
  8. Hi @AHT Did you attach the 'Digilent USB Device' to the virtual machine ?
  9. Hi @mikeyc Uncomment your 'result = dwf.FDwfAnalogOutConfigure(hdwf, channel, c_int(1))'
  10. Hi @Kodeeswaran S Could you also share the script code you wrote?
  11. Hi @joshna I don't recommend using this "WF_SDK" Looking at the code: with scope.record you perform separate captures for each channel, although it would be better to retrieve the channels data from the same capture; the scope.open has 'amplitude_range' parameter I don't know why you are reading 30V... See the real WaveForms SDK manual and examples:
  12. Hi @Luke Aldrich The demo mode is intended to explore the application and device options; triggering, record... are not its strengths. The ADP2230, AD3X50 have deep onboard memory so even if the computer is slow on data transfer or storage it should be able to capture up to device buffer size lossless.
  13. Hi @BSc For ADP3X50 embedded Linux use digilent.waveforms.adp3X50_x.x.x_armhf.deb
  14. Hi @Dinu 1. The Protocol/UART does not have auto rate option. The continuous Spy mode on multiple UART lines is not suitable for high rates specially with Digital Discovery since this does not support data compression. 2. FileAppend("~/Desktop/uart.csv", Logic.Channels.UART.events.join(""));
  15. Hi @HasNoCreek The easiest way, if ms precision is sufficient, would be software control using FDwfDigitalIO... functions. You can use digital-out function for automated precise control, see FDwfDigitalOut... functions. For fully independent control the analog-out functions can also be used, see FDwfAnalogOut... functions.
  16. Hi @aaaaa You can use the Script tool like this: Impedance.run(); var t0 = Date.now() for(var i = 0; wait(0.999) && i < 1000; i++){ // wait 999ms var v = (Date.now()-t0)+","+Impedance.Traces.Trace.getData("Impedance")[0]; print(v); // ms, ohm FileAppendLine("~/Desktop/imp.csv",v); }
  17. Hi @gcb Continuous digital play is not available with any device. The Digital Discovery has Play mode for up to 256MiB of data. Other device support 'unlimited' AWG Play which could also be used as 1bit digital line. Analog Discovery with 32k device buffer up to about 4MS/s. ADP3X50 has 32Mi AWG sample device buffer, ADP2230 has 128Mi buffer and USB3.
  18. Hi @bryan78 Thanks for the observation.
  19. Hi @pfm Corrected here: I accidentally left it there in the previous version when trying to make it compatible with other RPM distributions. Unfortunately the packages have different naming in repositories.
  20. Hi @bryan78 It is corrected in the latest version:
  21. Hi @Sam S. For Network Analysis triggering is usually not important but your trigger settings seems to be ok. For stability, to not to trigger on opposite edge due to noise, you can use FDwfAnalogInTriggerHysteresisSet. Better use trigsrcAnalogOut1. The NA interface uses this for coherent averaging. You could also apply to FDwfAnalogImpedance... functions which can be used for NA, see the example. Crosstalk depends on the setup. Leaving the high impedance oscilloscope inputs open, specially with wires attached will catch more noise and crosstalk. Use BNC cables or twist positive/negative inputs and signal wires with ground for better noise rejection and less crosstalk.
  22. Hi @rjratnip It could be a similar hub or driver problem as it is with RPi1,2,3 where FTDI USB packets are randomly lost or corrupt.
  23. Hi @woldes The I2C should be read as logic high in idle. Do you have pull-ups on the SCL and SDA ?
  24. Hi @m72 Set the UART Baud to Manual. With Auto the Rate is recalculated for each capture which is handled as configuration change and the Buffer counter is restarted. It will be corrected in the next version.
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