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Posts posted by attila

  1. Hi @Josh Williams

    Power Adapter for Analog Discovery (1,2,3) is in works, it should be available in a few months

    The ADP5250 DMM is intended for precision rather than speed. This is a rebranded VirtualBench with 1/2channel 1G/500MHz oscilloscope, AWG, power supplies, DMM, without special hardware features, no: record, play, pattern generator, protocols... and supported only under Windows.

  2. Hi @Take4

    The ADP3X50 input channels have two input ranges 2V and 50V. Configure dwf.FDwfAnalogInChannelRangeSet(hdwf, channel#, c_double(2.0))

    With newer software version you don't have to complicate with Record mode, the default normal (acqmodeSingle) allows you to capture 128Mi samples, see AnalogIn_Trigger.py and other examples.

    The latest versions also provide device buffering, memory segmentation, low latency <1us for consecutive captures.


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