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  1. Seems like adding a time.sleep(1) after analogIn.reset() worked. Maybe this could be nice to know wrt the documentation?
  2. @reddish Thanks for your quick reply. I tried using frequencySet(8e6) instead of sampling on the external trigger. The problem is still there. Great that you mentioned np.concatenate, I will use it. Interestingly, as I mentioned, the problem is not present the first time after resetting (see figure, yes, some feature in the start immediately after the trigger, but I can accept this). After running the function again (buttom click in pyqt window), I get the smaller amplitude as show. For this reason, I reckon the problem could arise in the scripts... Let me know if you have any other debug ideas! Thanks
  3. @attila@reddish I tried to use record mode with AD3. I use pydwf because of its good documentation. I sent in a sine wave from W1 that further was digitized on 1+. The sine wave is also monitored with an external scope where I see no irregularity on the sine wave. See configuration attached in snippet. The snippet also show how I try to loop and collect available samples from statusRecord(). Despite 1+ being configured with a 5 V range, it seems that it switches over to 50V range during the loop? See image. How do you recommend me to go about this issue? I wish to record minimum 1 MSample, but preferably more, and with NO skip, it must really sample on External1. Thanks for your help in advance, the forum helps a lot! Edit: I should mention that first time I run the code after resetting everything it works as expected!! The problem shown below is only present from the second sample run and all consecutive sample runs. I checked the range with channelRangeGet, and its still 5V after... Kind regards question.py
  4. Hi! I'm writing custom scripts using pydwf towards analog discovery 3. Seems like I can do almost anything with this package and hardware! But: I have a device that outputs an clock which I've connected to the AD3 digital pin 0. I want to sample the AD3 "analog input 1+" using this clock. Could anyone help me with this, or is it even possible? I have only been successful in seeing data with DwfTriggerSource.None_ and DetectorAnalogIn. Thanks in advance!!!
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