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Everything posted by attila

  1. What does the ldconfig -p | grep libdmgr list ?
  2. Hi @bobql See the following post:
  3. Hi @scorbetta The mentioned function should be in the latest adept.runtime Make sure the install succeeds, there are not errors listed sudo apt install ./digilent.adept.runtime_2.27.9-amd64.deb
  4. Hi @Roche The frequency adjustment is intended for the Pattern Generator and Protocols. The device can generate natural division signals of the system frequency, like from 100MHz, 50, 25... and with 80MHz 40, 20... The Logic Analyzer can sample at up to 8x of system frequency.
  5. Hi @gcb The instructions are the same or similar for newer VS versions. You can build app for x86, x64, arm64 or arm64ec, just use the corresponding dwf.lib dependency under project/Properties/Linker/Input
  6. Hi @gcb 1. Wavegen/Play 2. Logic Analyzer/ Mode: Play
  7. Hi @fahiz The amount of data may be too much for the graph function used. You may need a different method for drawing.
  8. Hi @malexander Only the new builds are signed, since 3.22.14, with the same key as adept.
  9. Hi @AndayLe The FDwfAnalogImpedancePeriodSet is for different purpose.
  10. Hi @CAM C The record mode uses data streaming. Since it doesn't know when the trigger will arrive it starts streaming immediately and stop after the given 'length'. This is why the samples collected in the software buffer need to be aligned at the end, see AnalogIn_Record_Trigger.py example. With position 0 the streaming starts with the trigger. The acqmode single returns a buffered aligned capture, up to maximum sample rate and device buffer size.
  11. Hi @malb Currently the latest build for ARM Linux is 3.22.15
  12. Hi @fahiz @Fausto Why are you limited to 0.2 sec ? with 1.5M samples and 1.5MHz capture rate the span in 1sec If you are interested in peaks you can use min/max sampling mode (FDwfAnalogInChannelFilterSet), less samples and lower frequency. The sampling rate should be at least 4 times than signal frequency, otherwise you see aliasing. https://www.ni.com/docs/en-US/bundle/labwindows-cvi/page/advancedanalysisconcepts/aliasing.html
  13. Hi @AndayLe The above should work. Make sure the device opening succeeded, the function return is 0 and/or hdwf is not 0. What are you doing after starting the generator ? If your the program quits the device is closed and outputs are by default stopped. Use software wait or use: dwf.FDwfParamSet(DwfParamOnClose, c_int(0)) # continue running after close
  14. Hi @jostikas I added information to the Help.
  15. Hi @philip.mcconnell You can use the Script tool or View/Logging for this purpose. Scope.single(); Scope.wait(); var ch1 = Scope.Channel1.fftmagnitude; var ref = Scope.Ref1.fftmagnitude; var hz = Scope.Ref1.fftfrequency; var c = ref.length; clear(); for(var i = 0; i < c; i++){ if(ch1[i] > ref[i]+2.0) print(hz[i],ch1[i],ref[i]); }
  16. Hi @AndayLe You can set FDwfAnalogOutRunSet to 15.0 and FDwfAnalogOutRepeatSet to 1. You may also want FDwfAnalogOutIdleSet DwfAnalogOutIdleOffset
  17. Hi @bobql You can also use the newly added DwfParamDigitalVoltage with FDwfParamSet or FDwfDeviceParamSet
  18. Hi @jostikas The I2C master (with clock stretching) and slave mode is implemented using state machine, 'ROM logic' feature of Pattern Generator. Since both the clock and data lines are inputs for machine, these need to use the least significant bits, up to the log2 of Patterns device buffer size. The default configuration for AD3 allocates 2k samples for Patterns so DIO 0 to 10 can be used. With the 5th configuration 32k samples and DIO 0 to 15 can be used for I2C. The no clock stretching implementation is not recommended since it simply generates clock/data pattern, is is kept for backward compatibility, since this was the first implementation.
  19. Hi @Oscar A There is no interpreter in the application for this protocol, but it could be implemented with Custom interpreter.
  20. Hi @Ayesha Zaman Make sure the acquisition time / sample rate is not more than the device buffer size, 8192 for AD2, otherwise it will try to use record/data streaming which is limited to a few MHz for AD2. Time (s) - mso/1 Amplitude (V) - mso/1 0 3.97984m 10n 3.97984m 20n 3.97984m 30n -10.8283m 40n 7.68187m 50n -14.5303m 60n 3.97984m
  21. Hi @David Aurora Corrected in the latest:
  22. Hi @fr.bernardo It should be something like this: var reg = Read0(8,4); // read 4 bytes from DQ0, SISO, var ss = reg[0]>>6; var bd = ((reg[0]&0x3F)<<8) | reg[1]; var tp = (reg[1]<<3) | (reg[2]>>5); if(ss!=0) return "SS"+ss; return bd; // or scale it to unit
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