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uart receiving module for 16 or more bits



Good morning everyone, I am currently developing a computer application in Matlab with help of VHDL and the Nexys 4 DDR, my problem is that I need to send a vector of 16 or more bits through an aurt module, the aurt module only sends 8 bits but I need to send more bits.

anyone have any idea how to receive more than 8 bits per aurt? , I know that you should make the matrix reception module in vhdl and I was trying with this module that I have, but it does not work, and I have no idea how to do it to receive matrix.




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3 answers to this question

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Hi @cristian_zanetti,

I have not worked with any real time date compression or a matrix reception module so I would not be helpful with your question. I appears that we have discussed alternatives to this issue already here. The only other thing I can think of would be to use the Pmod USBUART here to send the 2nd byte as the same time. You would then need to combine the data back together on the PC for use in Matlab. 

thank you,




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You have a couple of possibilities here ... you can try for something canned, or build your own.  I have a canned solution here, but from your past posts you seem to prefer VHDL and I have no VHDL examples.  There are VHDL examples of UART to wishbone bridges on OpenCores.org, but I can't vouch for any that they'll do your task.

In general, the way to do the task is to break up your transactions into words, and to add a synchronization stream as well.  Hence, to send a 16-bit number, you might choose to send three 8'b characters: 0000_xxxx, 01xx_xxxx, and 10xx_xxxx.  That'll send 4 bits of your 16-bit number, 6-bits, and another 6-bits, for a total of 16.  Even better, the top two bits can then be used to indicate which of the three bytes is being sent.  I discuss a form of sending code-words like this here, although the structure is of 35-bit codewords sent over an 7-bit channel, rather than the 24-bit codeword example I just outlined above.


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