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How can I store matrix in IP core BRAM in Vivado?



I want to store the image matrix into block RAM.In my UART receiver code I  have instantiated BRAM module for writing purpose.Is this way is correct?

Wheneve Instantiate there is not declring error.Where can I ear functionality of Block RAM


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3 answers to this question

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Sorry, it's just really hard to say if your method is "correct" given all you've said of it.  Let me turn the question back at you: does it work?

As for storing an image in Block RAM, many on this forum have set out to do so, but few have returned to post their success.  The answer really is: it depends.  Block RAM is expensive.  There tends not to be much of it.  Will your image fit within the block RAM of your device?  Will it still fit with everything else within that block RAM also competing for resources? 

Just some things to think about.


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If the issue is a variable that you've declared that Vivado says you have not declared, then .... you need to share some more information about what is going on and what you are doing or it will be very difficult to help you.

If the issue is instead just reading from UART and storing to block RAM, then you can find an example of code that does that here.  In the example, the UART data is stored into a FIFO so that it can be read out at a later time, such as when the CPU isn't quite so busy.


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