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Cant Generate a License File


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I am having a hell of a time activating my license. When I click on the Vivado License Manager I get an error:

"Error when launching C:\Xilinx\Vivado\2016.4\bin\vlm.bat: Launcher time out " I read something about uninstalling any Microsoft Redistributes Package prior to 2010. Dose anyone know how to work around this problem? I have several but I know if I get rid of them it will crash other programs that put them there. I included my install log.


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I was able to get Vivado License Manager to run by uninstalling all 2012 Microsoft C++ Redistrobutable packages then rebooting. Once reboot click on Vivado License Manager...

actually I don't know what I did but I got VLM to launch. Now I need to figure out what I need to to after that.


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