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lwip/ethernet problems with Cora Z7




I tried to run on Cora Z7-07S the freertos client udp example that is included in Vitis 2023.1. The application starts but it seems to fail in the PHY autonegotiation.

According to what is recommended in the following page https://digilent.com/reference/programmable-logic/guides/zynq-servers  I replaced the file xemacpsif_physpeed.c. in the original lwip folder with the one taken from the repository indicated. But I'm still having the problem I have reported.

Checking the other files in the lwip folder present in the github archive I found many differences respect to the original files so I wonder if I have to replace all the files and not just the one indicated in that page.

What do you recommend ?



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Hi Davide,

To confirm whether it's an issue with the board or physical ethernet setup, does running the LwIP Echo Server example suggested by the guide work for you? I don't have much experience with the freertos OS and haven't tested that particular example as of yet.



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Hi Arthur,

thanks for the reply. I'll try your suggestion but I think the problem is not related to freertos. For the test I'm connecting the board to a laptop using an ethernet cable. The cable is good as I used it in the past to connect the laptop to an ethernet switch and more recently to run an ethernet only test on the board connected to same pc (that worked fine). For that test anyway I used Vitis 2023.2 while now I'm using 2023.1 as for your suggestion for my boot image related issues.

While running the udp test I mentioned above I see that the pc connected to the board detects the cable as disconnected when I run the application on the cora z7 while it detects the cable as connected when the application is not running, so it seems that there is some low level operation executed by the application that puts the link into an incorrect state. That's why I asked if I had to take more files from that github archive other that the one indicated in the example.

I'll keep you updated about the test with the Echo Server example.



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Hey Davide,

I ran through the Zynq server guide using my ArtyZ7, to get the echo server working. Could you create a new Vitis application based on the attached xemacpsif_physpeed.c file? Copy it to the same place as directed. Start Vitis and create a new echo server application based on your design.xsa file. Go into the Board Support Package under zynq_fsbl and enable lwip213. Once this is done, rebuild the design wrapper and, when done, build the project. Please let me know if you have better results.




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