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In Waveforms with most recent version I'm having trouble recording wave file results to file.



I'm outputting a 1KHz Sinewave from the wavegenerator and feeding into channel 1 of the scope.

I then attempt to record to file and no matter what I do it converts the sinewave to a square wave and is not even the same amplitude. 

What am I doing wrong?



This is what its doing to the wave file which is supposed to be a sinewave at a 1 volt scale.

But look at what its doing 





Also whenever I try to use bin it never works it totally messes up the wave form as well.

Also when I try the record option in WaveForms it only saves for 1 second and stops.   Isn't it supposed to record for awhile. 

For example below when I select the record option it runs for a second and stops.  what am I doing wrong.


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