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simultaneous analog and counter input with occasional digital output on USB-1808X



Using 3 analog inputs and 1 counter I am able to receive voltage and encoder data simultaneously using DaqInScan() on a USB-1808X. The scan options include MacDaq.ScanOptions.Background and MccDaq.ScanOptions.Continuous.


Now I want to include occasional digital output. Within an application a user will click a button and the following code will be executed:


ushort DataValue = 255;

PortOutputNum = MccDaq.DigitalPortType.AuxPort;

MccDaq.ErrorInfo ULStat = daqBoard.DOut(PortOutputNum, DataValue);


The universal library returns the error:


Digital port not configured correctly for requested operation.


What I’m I doing wrong?

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In an earlier post, you suggested I use DConfigPort() or DConfigBit().

If I use DConfigBit(AuxPort, 0, DigitalOut) I have to wire screw terminal DIO0 since bitNum=0.

If I use DConfigPort(AuxPort, DigitalOut) which bitNum is being used? Which screw terminal do I wire?

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DConfigPort sets all four bits to be output. DConfigBit is just one bit. So you could do:

 DConfigBit(AuxPort, 0, DigitalOut)

 DConfigBit(AuxPort, 1, DigitalOut)

 DConfigBit(AuxPort, 2, DigitalOut)

 DConfigBit(AuxPort, 3, DigitalOut)

or just

DConfigPort(AuxPort, DigitalOut)

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