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Not able to boot my zybo-z7-10 board with QSPI flash1 :



Good afternoon, i am working on zybo-z7-10 board (working on QSPI flash) , actually i am using Zybo-Z7-10-Petalinux-2022-1.bsp project, after successfully building my project it generated all images @ $/home/vinod/workspace/os/images/linux/, in that directory i have generated BOOT.BIN image . 

Not to do the QSPI flash in the board , i need to copy BOOT.BIN (2.1 MB) and image.ub (78.6 MB) at least, but my on board qspi size is 16MB only, so to do qspi flash it's not possible, so what i have to do ? please help me if anyone done on this. 

* Actually i tried without including bitsream (system.bit) file through Vivado, even though i am getting image.ub(16.8 MB) and BOOT.BIN (1.1 MB). so what can i do for this 

* there is one ideas inside me : 1. booting BOOT.BIN using qspi and image.ub using SD card --> is it possible? if yes please give me step by step procedure 

* present i am using : 1. ubuntu 20.04.4, 2. petalinux 2019.1,  3. Zybo-Z7-10-Petalinux-2022-1.bsp project, 4. Vivado 2022.2

* I need to complete this one within a week , if anyone please respond 


thank you



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Hi @vinod,

My understanding is that unless you are able to reduce your image size (Xilinx has some information on this here: https://docs.xilinx.com/r/en-US/ug1144-petalinux-tools-reference-guide/Managing-Image-Size), then the option is going to be to have the Zybo Z7-10 instead boot from an SD card. Xilinx has some information on how to do that here: https://docs.xilinx.com/r/en-US/ug1144-petalinux-tools-reference-guide/Booting-PetaLinux-Image-on-Hardware-with-an-SD-Card.

Once you have the needed images, you can put them on the SD card, insert it into the Zybo Z7-10, set jumper JP5 to SD instead of QSPI, and then power it on and connect it to a serial terminal of your choice.

Regarding your question of putting the BOOT.BIN in QSPI flash and the image.ub on the SD card, I do not think this is readily possible to do with how the bootloader finds the other files (or at least I am not able to find any information on how this partial boot from multiple locations might be done).


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Good morning sir, thank you for your response and quick answer to my question, but i need some more help from you, actually i know how to boot from SD card and JTAG, i don't exactly to boot from qspi only, i am working on it, but due to less size of qspi flash memory o the board and more sizes of image.ub and BOOT.BIN files, so that i cant able to boot with qspi. So if its possible please help to do the following things 

1. Can you please give me the complete procedure to boot with qspi and how to reduce the kernel , root file system files sizes while building those, actually i have read what ever you put the links but i can't able to do those modifications in the hardware settings of root file system and kernel images. if possible which i have to disable in  both the images for reducing their sizes.

2. I have read the document which you have in the previous question's answer but i cant able to reduce , so can you please help me to reducing steps and which settings i need to change in the given screenshots.

3. For zybo-z7-10 board, is it possible to boot with only qspi ? If yes please give exact procedure and settings to built the boot images in the petalinux 2019.1, ubuntu 20.04.4, vivado 2022.2 platforms.

4. Is there any possibility to boot with both QSPI and SD at a time? if It's yes, please provide me proper procedure/documents/links to do shortly. 

Hope you got my problem and expecting soon and suitable answer from you. 

Than you

Some screenshots in spoiler below

















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Good morning sir, thank you for your response and quick answer to my question, but i need some more help from you, actually i know how to boot from SD card and JTAG, i don't exactly to boot from qspi only, i am working on it, but due to less size of qspi flash memory o the board and more sizes of image.ub and BOOT.BIN files, so that i cant able to boot with qspi. So if its possible please help to do the following things 

1. Can you please give me the complete procedure to boot with qspi and how to reduce the kernel , root file system files sizes while building those, actually i have read what ever you put the links but i can't able to do those modifications in the hardware settings of root file system and kernel images. if possible which i have to disable in  both the images for reducing their sizes.

2. I have read the document which you have in the previous question's answer but i cant able to reduce , so can you please help me to reducing steps and which settings i need to change in the given screenshots.

3. For zybo-z7-10 board, is it possible to boot with only qspi ? If yes please give exact procedure and settings to built the boot images in the petalinux 2019.1, ubuntu 20.04.4, vivado 2022.2 platforms.

4. Is there any possibility to boot with both QSPI and SD at a time? if It's yes, please provide me proper procedure/documents/links to do shortly. 

** I have enabled QSPI,SD0, UART and Ethernet0 in vivado design and remaining are not selected. i am trying to generate qspi boot images only 


Hope you got my problem and expecting soon and suitable answer from you. 

Than you

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Hi @vinod

You can boot from the qspi

When you package BOOT.BIN with petalinux-package command you can specify what it should contain.
A normal boot requires that BOOT.bin contains fsbl, bitstream, u-boot (u-boot containg a dtb)
you can place BOOT.BIN in qspi. and the following thing should happen :
1. zsbl loads fsbl from qspi and gives control to it.
2. fsbl loads bitstream in PL. if no error it will go to next step (enable debugging for fsbl helps with debugging this)
3. fsbl loads ssbl(second stage boot loader which is u-boot)
4. u-boot searches for instructions on what to do which are in boot.scr which is not found so it lunches a prompt on serial terminal. At this point you can instruct u-boot what to do.

In a normal boot flow, boot.scr instructs u-boot to load u-boot image(Image.ub a FIT file containing dtb,ramdisk, kernel image) from various sources (SD,TFTP,others).
zybo-z7-10 has 16MB of flash so BOOT.BIN will have around 3 MB without kernel.
Striping the kernel(about 54MB) to that level you have to give up a lot of functionality.
You will also need a files system to contain the user-space/applications.

However you can point u-boot to load Image.ub from SD or TFTP. for this you have to know a bit about u-boot.
You can also boot a baremetal/standalone application (instead of u-boot and Linux kernel) . You can develop this application according to your needs. You can use XSDK or Vitis for this.

Also please do not start a new thread for the same topic.

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