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Issues with Daqboard 2005 configuring with Labview

S M Tanveer Mahtab


Hi,I'm trying to read thermocouples on a DBK90 module that is connected to Daqboard 2005. I have been able to see real-time reading on daqview but when I'm trying to acquire data through labview 8.1 I'm getting an error message saying I need to add the daqIO palette first. I followed the attached manual, but this doesn't exactly match my LabVIEW.

I tried to follow the instructions mentioned here- https://forum.digilent.com/topic/23746-vis-for-labview/#comment-69748

I tried to connect my Daqboard 2005 to two different LabView programs (LabView 8 on a Windows 8 computer and LabView 2017 on a Windows 10 computer). I installed MCCdaq. I was having issues when I tried to find my device in daqIP_config. My daqboard was running properly, and I was able to see real-time readings in the Daqview software. But in LabVIEW, I was getting an error saying unable to connect to specified device!

Please let me know what could be a possible solution to my issues. 



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Try the DBK90 example but make sure to set the ScanRate lower - something like 10 instead of the default 1000. The example is located in C:\Program Files (x86)\DaqIO LabView Support\Howto and Example VI's\DBK Examples. Set the Main Unit Channel to match the address setting of your DBK90. Enable channels by holding down the control key and selecting them with the mouse. 


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