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How to control data acquistion duration in DAQ DT9816-S

Subhadeep Basu


Dear All,

I am facing some issues regarding data acquisition using DT 9816- S DAQ. I want to take triggered data using this DAQ for milliseconds duration (for example 3/4 millisecond). There is a DAQ GUI called 'Quick DAQ' which comes with this DAQ. In this GUI the minimum acquisition duration for data collection is set to 10 seconds. I am unable to change this acquisition duration to 3/4 milliseconds duration. I am attaching a screenshot herewith. 

Can anyone please tell me how to acquire data in milliseconds duration (3/4 milliseconds) using this DAQ (DT 9816 S).

Thanks, and regards,

Subhadeep Basu

acquisition issue.png

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@Jeffrey, Many thanks for your reply.

But, I can't even enter 1 seconds. The minimum duration it is showing is 10 seconds.

The 'Quick DAQ' supports continuous acquisition which means I can start recording and I need to stop the data acquisition manually. I don't want to capture data manually. I want automatic data capture for a specific duration (Let's say 1 seconds). This is I am not able to change it. How can I change it to 1 seconds?

Can you help me regarding this. 

[Note: If this automatic data capture for a fixed duration can be done using some other software (Ex : LabVIEW) then also it's OK. Can you please suggest me how to do it.]

Thanks, and regards,

Subhadeep Basu

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I'm not sure why you cannot set the acquisition duration to 1 second, as I am able:


I disabled Continuous operation.

Perhaps you have a bad installation?

Yes, there is LabVIEW support as well as DASYlab and programming support for MS VB.NET, CS.NET and C.

Examples are provided, 

For LabVIEW:  C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 20xx\user.lib\LV-Link3

For syntax based programming:  C:\Users\YourLogIn\Documents\DataTranslation

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@JeffreyMany thanks for your reply. 

Now, I can set acquisition duration to 1 sec/2 sec  using QuickDAQ.

Regarding Controlling DT 9816-S DAQ using LabVIEW, I am still not able to capture triggered acquisition using LabVIEW. There are various libraries Can you please guide me how to capture (which library to be used in specific) triggered analog data of fixed duration (let's say 1ms or 2ms).

Thanks and regards,

Subhadeep Basu

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