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  1. The answer is in the TracerDAQ help. in short, After you have collected data to a 8.sch file, from the Strip Chart menu, you select File >> Save as... The Save As dialog appears. You select a *.sch file and change the "Save as type" to either *.csv or *.txt, then click Save.
  2. I would not use InstaCal for that, it will not record the data for you to access via a txt file. I suggest you use TracerDAQ. it is included in the MCCDAQ.exe on our downloads page.
  3. The Windows Python support is found here: https://github.com/mccdaq/mcculw help file: https://www.mccdaq.com/pdfs/manuals/Mcculw_WebHelp/ULStart.htm Example program (I already posted to you:
  4. For Measurement Computing question, please post them here: https://forum.digilent.com/forum/39-measurement-computing-mcc/
  5. Included with the MCCDAQ.exe download is TracerDAQ, it is free, runs on Windows XP, and does MOST of what DAQami includes. You must run InstaCal first then you can run TracerDAQ. Note MCC does not offer support for XP as it is obsolete per Microsoft, and due to its vulnerabilities our IT will no longer allow us to install it.
  6. MCC DRV drivers are included in the installation of DASYLab 2022. All you need do is run the Configurator, and enable the Measurement Computing driver on the Packages tab.
  7. DATA RATE, the parameter set in InstaCal, is related to settling time. It is explained in the User's manual (https://www.mccdaq.com/pdfs/manuals/USB-2416.pdf), on pages 16 to 17. Normally set in InstaCal, but can be set programmatically (which is why I asked you specifically if you were referring to DATA rate or SAMLPING rate, to which you replied "rate"). SAMPLE RATE is the rate at which the AInScan() samples each channel in a scan. Sample rate can only be set programmatically (or in a canned app such as DAQami). For the USB-2408 and USB-2416 series, these 2 rates are a bit related. For example: Option 1, let's assume you want to scan a +/-10 V signal attached to channel 0, set to voltage, as fast as the device is capable. So In InstaCal you set the DATA RATE for that channel to the highest rate, 3750 Hz. Run that number through the calculation found on page 16, the resulting value is ~1103 samples per second, max. OR, option 2, Let's assume you want to scan a thermocouple (+/- 78 mV range) attached to channel 0, set to temperature, as fast as the device is capable, AND returns good data. So in InstaCal you set the DATA RATE for that channel to 60 Hz. You set this to 60 Hz to help remove AC line noise from the thermocouple (an very low voltage signal, that can be affected by external electrical noise). Run that number through the same equation, you get ~55 Hz. for either option, if you are using multiple channels of all the same and the data rate is set all the same, the the max sampling rate (in your app) would be the 1103 samples per second divided by the number of channels for voltage. or 55 samples per second divided by the number of channels if TCs This is pretty straight forward when looking at 1 channel or all channels of the sample type in a scan. But when more channels are used that are a mix of voltage and temperature, i.e. large and small signals, then the second equation on page 16 needs to be used. This is required so that the A/D converter has time to burn off any residual glitch energy on the multiplexor. As it states in the User's manual, "You can control the amount of the noise filtering by adjusting the data rate setting. By reducing the data rate, the averaging of samples increases, and noise drops correspondingly. " To be clear, this averaging etc. is done inside the A/D converter, not in the library and not in your code. If you would like to learn more about how that works, I recommend you read the data sheet of the A/D converter, ADS1256, 24-bit Sigma Delta. Sampling rate, is used in your C# scan app, to set the rate the A/D converter samples voltage(s) from the selected analog input, as configured by the on board crystal oscillator and related circuitry. In short, you set the data rate to configure the A/D converter's settling time to provide the best, most accurate data for a 24 bit sigma delta converter. The Data Rate(s) you use, set the maximum sampling rate for the AInScan(). Then based on that value (or those values), you can set the app's A/D sampling rate to specify how fast the A/D can acquire data to your app.
  8. Hello @Trevor robinson Measurement Computing has a strict policy for not sending out schematics, at all.
  9. Hello @MikeHam Measurement Computing no longer offers repair services for that device. The part was renamed around 2005 to USB-1608FS, so that PMD-1608FS is over 17 years old. I believe it is a 2N7002, but you can't hold me to that.
  10. Conversation moved to private messaging...
  11. Just guessing here, because you did not include this information, USB-2416 perhaps? Do you mean DATA rate (as set in InstaCal) or SAMPLING rate (as set in your C# app)? -the two are very different
  12. What is the make and model of the WiFi adapter do you have?
  13. Glad to hear it. Due to the need for personal information exchange, this conversation is moving to private messaging.
  14. I'm not sure why you cannot set the acquisition duration to 1 second, as I am able: I disabled Continuous operation. Perhaps you have a bad installation? Yes, there is LabVIEW support as well as DASYlab and programming support for MS VB.NET, CS.NET and C. Examples are provided, For LabVIEW: C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 20xx\user.lib\LV-Link3 For syntax based programming: C:\Users\YourLogIn\Documents\DataTranslation
  15. Hello @wd74 Just to see if the Physical channel.vi operates, would you please try one of our examples, those found at C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2022\examples\ULx For digital io of the USB-1208FS-PLUS or USB-1608G, for output try Generate Values.llb >> ULx Write Dig Chan.vi, for input, try ULx Read Dig Chan.vi. We have no other reports of this phenomenon, so I believe it is something specific to your computer. As you stated above, I take this to as, something must have changed on your system, with or without your intervention. Perhaps it was a windows update or a similar, non-user controlled action. I know this is an unappealing suggestion but, I suggest you uninstall / reinstall LabVIEW and ULx for NI LabVIEW, or just as a test, try installing both software on another computer.
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