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What is the best method to communicate with PCIe-DIO96H?




I have already installed PCIe-DIO96H board on my computer and need to communicate with it via coding or a specific software. I recently noticed that 64-bit MATLAB Data Acquisition does not support this digital input/output board. It should be noted that I need to communicate with this board via coding or any other software in order to switch on and off a set of relays and the pumps connected to them for certain durations.

Would you please let me know what is the best and easiest way to communicate with this board other than MATLAB Data Acquisition Toolbox? which software or programming language do you recommend for controlling PCIe-DIO96H? It would be appreciated if you could also send me the sample or supporting files or codes for the method you would suggest.


Kind regards,


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To control /monitor the PCIe-DIO96H with free/included software, you can use the Universal Library with a supported programming language as shown on https://www.mccdaq.com/daq-software/universal-library.aspx, see examples ULDI01, ULDI02 for input, and ULDO01, ULDO02 for output.

or try https://mcc.download.ni.com/downloads/example_programs/Diagnostics/DAQWare DIO.msi

Or, you can use DASYLab or LabVIEW (those require an additional purchase).


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