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DT9837a: Error 1004 in LabVIEW

Joerg Hampel


Good morning, a customer of ours uses the DT9837a DAQ device in one of their test systems. They use NI LabVIEW to read measurements. 

When reading out data, we see a timeout (error 1004) sporadically - every 10 measurement runs or so. Here is the full error message:

DtLvLink.lvlib:Error Converter (ErrCode or Status).vi<ERR>

<b>Complete call chain:</b>
     DtLvLink.lvlib:Error Converter (ErrCode or Status).vi
     DtLvLink.lvlib:Lvi Read Dbl Data2D.vi
     LVLink_Data Acquisition.lvclass:Read Muliple Channels Multiple Samples.vi
     Data Acquisition.lvlib:Main.vi:4140003
     Data Acquisition.lvlib:Main.vi.ACBRProxyCaller.9AF00026

We're using the LV-Link Software Interface for LabVIEW as provided by the LvLink3.10.0.0.exe installer. The device manager shows the device named DT9837a under "DT-Open Layers Data Acquisition Devices".

These are the VIs we execute for each measurement:


Any help is much appreciated! Thanks in advance!

Best regards,

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