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Is there a way to multiplex the scope and the function generator?




I am trying to find an accessory or a circuit that can help me multiplex the scope and the function generator so that they can alternate through the same pins at different time intervals. I am currently using the analog discovery 2 but if there is another device that could achieve that without an accessory, I am willing to look into it.

Thank you

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4 answers to this question

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Hi @TBat4879,

I don't quite understand your question or at least the multiplexing part of it. The Oscilloscope pins and the (Arbitrary) Waveform Generator pins are already separated and you can run both of those instruments simultaneously.

Could you explain the end application you are wanting to accomplish a bit more?



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Hi @TBat4879,

I apologize, I'm still confused. If you have 4 fixed pins, 2 for the waveform generator signals and 2 for the scope, why do you need to switch their functionality? Is your external system that you are interfacing with through the Analog Discovery 2 changing its pin assignment between inputs and outputs?

The Analog Discovery 2 is not able to directly do any hardware changes to itself in the way that you are describing.

So I suppose yes, if you want to have an external set of pins be able to switch between if they are connected to analog inputs or analog outputs, you would need some sort of external mux or relay setup. I don't have any specific product to recommend, but the things I would be looking for in such a product would be:

- Fast enough switching for your application needs
- Handles the voltage range you need
- A single input to select which orientation/configuration the switch is set up in (purely for convenience so you don't need to change the chip configuration over SPI or I2C or something like that)
- Some level of protection so no accidental shorts occur which switching configurations; this setup won't be the same as a H-Bridge which is prone to burning out if not disabled before changing directions, but doesn't hurt to keep it in mind.


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Hi @TBat4879

For this purpose you could use relays that can be controlled by the AD2 supplies directly or DIOs and relay driver.
The automation for this could be done with a bit of Script in the WaveForms application or custom application/script based on WF SDK.

The ADP3X50 has an output enable relay for the AWG channels which can be toggled from the application or automated with the WF app Script tool or custom app.

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