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Using Nexys4 DDR's on board SD card with SD Pmod with Vivado and Vitis 2020.1




I am trying to run the example code of SD PMOD on my Nexys4 DDR FPGA. I followed the tutorial to generate the hardware but when I move to Vitis and try to compile SD card example, it throws me the following error message: 

Checking for BSP changes to sync application flags for project 'sd_app'...
15:49:33 ERROR : Failed to openhw "/home/pmod_sd_wrapper/export/pmod_sd_wrapper/hw/pmod_sd_wrapper.xsa"
Reason: ERROR: [Common 17-39] 'hsi::open_hw_design' failed due to earlier errors.

15:49:33 ERROR : Failed to update application flags from BSP for 'sd_app'. Reason: null

I have seen other people having the same issue at other posts. The offered solution was to use Vivado/Vitis 2019 but unfortunately that's not possible for me.  Is there any other workaround? 

PS: I used the vivado project provided at this post

Edited by Aron
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