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Petalinux project ZYBO 7Z-20 using "system-user.dtsi" from v2017.4



Hi, I have got the "system-user.dtsi" from the following source petalinux 2017.4 and manually updated that file in my project which I have created in petalinux 2021.1 but I am not able to run the config and build commands. 


Summarized steps:

1- Create new hardware project in Vivado 2021.1

2- Add the board ZYBO Z7-20

3- Add ZYNQ PS in block design

4- HDL wrapper, Synthesis, Implementation

5- Generated bit stream and export the hardware design

6- Launch Vitis 2021.1

7- Created ZYNQ platform

8- Have tested Hello Word project in serial terminal

9- Created a new petalinux project using the following template command in petalinux 2021.1.

10- petalinux-create --type project --template zynq --name zynq_hello_project

11- Manually updated "system-user.dtsi" from https://github.com/Digilent/Petalinux-Zybo-Z7-20

12- petalinux-config --get-hw-description <PATH-TO-XSA Directory>/<PATH-TOXSA>

13- petalinux-config -c kernel

14- exit with default settings

15- The compilation stuck with the following errors


ERROR: linux-xlnx-5.10+gitAUTOINC+c830a552a6-r0 do_menuconfig: No valid terminal found, unable to open devshell.
Tried the following commands:
        tmux split-window -c "{cwd}" "do_terminal"
        tmux new-window -c "{cwd}" -n "linux-xlnx Configuration" "do_terminal"
        xfce4-terminal -T "linux-xlnx Configuration" -e "do_terminal"
        terminology -T="linux-xlnx Configuration" -e do_terminal
        mate-terminal --disable-factory -t "linux-xlnx Configuration" -x do_terminal
        konsole --separate --workdir . -p tabtitle="linux-xlnx Configuration" -e do_terminal
        gnome-terminal -t "linux-xlnx Configuration" -- do_terminal
        xterm -T "linux-xlnx Configuration" -e do_terminal
        rxvt -T "linux-xlnx Configuration" -e do_terminal
        tmux new -c "{cwd}" -d -s devshell -n devshell "do_terminal"
        screen -D -m -t "linux-xlnx Configuration" -S devshell do_terminal
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /scratch2/abc/Xilinx/Petalinux/Projects/zynq_hello_project/build/tmp/work/zynq_generic-xilinx-linux-gnueabi/linux-xlnx/5.10+gitAUTOINC+c830a552a6-r0/temp/log.do_menuconfig.312023
ERROR: Task (/scratch2/abc/Xilinx/Petalinux/Projects/zynq_hello_project/components/yocto/layers/meta-xilinx/meta-xilinx-bsp/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-xlnx_2021.1.bb:do_menuconfig) failed with exit code '1'




Edited by joniengr081
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