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Problem with SD card boot on Genesys ZU



Hi all,

I am poking around the Genesys ZU board to understand better how the whole system works.

I have generated a simple block in Vivado with just the ZynqMP subsystem loaded with the board pre-sets.

I created a project from scratch from Petalinux, loading the XSA generated above, built and package the boot.bin and image.ub.

I am able to load everything correctly through JTAG and it works fine.

I have an SDcard (Sandisk Ultra SDXC 64GB) with a FAT32 (type 0c) partition of 300MB (and the rest unallocated) on which I loaded BOOT.bin and image.ub.

When turning on the Genesys ZU, the FSBL and u-boot are getting loaded with no problems, but my kernel cannot be loaded. I indeed get a message

** Unrecognized filesystem type **

in u-boot when I am trying a fatload. I am sure this is something going wrong with the U-boot generation, but I am not quite sure what.

Do you have any intuitions?


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