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Use the digilent analog discovery 2 on MAC using the SDK

Stephane Pierret



I'm new to the digilent SDK. Sorry if my question is trivial.

I'm looking if it is possible to write a custom applications using the WaveForm SDK on a MacBook computer. I found the WaveForm SDK on the web site, downloaded it and installed it on my MacBook. I see some c exemple files, python sample files, cs, vb, ...

What would be your advice? Use the c sdk on the macbook? Using which development environment? X-code? Or using the python interface?


Best regards,




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Hi @Stephane Pierret,

I have moved your thread to a more appropriate section on the Forum.

As for what you might use, I suppose the "correct" answer would be to use whichever language you are more comfortable with. I am not sure which development environment is generally recommended for MacOS though, so I will let the engineer who commonly looks at this subforum address that side of your question.

Do you have a particular application in mind that you are looking to do?


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Thanks for your answers. Yes I have a particular application in mind. I have an application build using Visual Studio C# WPF running on Windows 10 desktop and connected to the digilent. This application is used by 50 to 100 customers using the digilent. I have to develop a version for MacBook and in that context I could code from scratch again the application. I'm looking ideally for a development framework which would allow me to share code between Windows 10 and MacBook application. But it might just be a dream.

I first looked at Xamarin and Xamarin.Mac but not sure I can connect it with the Digilent. Do you have any experience using Xamarin and a connection to the Digilent?

I have a quite good experience developing under Linux but not specifically on Mac. So I would start from scratch. In that context do you have a development framework to advice me (connected to the digilent) ? X-Code, Swift, Xamarin.Mac, another one?

I know my question is not totally related to the Digilent but any experience on your side would be helpful to me.

Thanks a lot.






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