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How to add a package to petalinux (rsync)



I want to add/ enable rsync in petalinux

Im using the bsp from here https://github.com/Digilent/Petalinux-Cora-Z7-07S

But If I build it from source I think I can add a package? 

I can see that there is a mention of rsync in a file called rootfs_config here:




# rsync


# CONFIG_rsync is not set

# CONFIG_rsync-dev is not set

# CONFIG_rsync-dbg is not set



So can someone point me to an instruction or tell me how I can enable rsync ?


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Run petalinux-config -c rootfs to include your package in rootfs

Then follow instruction presented.

*-dev, *-dbg packages are not required unless you intend to do some changes to rsync tool.

You can also use `scp`, `rcp` but if you intend to use `rsync` you already know what you whan't to accomplish

You can also use a remote path for source with rsync if you have it on your host computer.

host to board: rsync -a  /host/path/to/dir/or/file username@board_ip:board/path/to/dir/

board to host: rsync -a username@board_ip:/board/path/to/dir/or/file /host/path/to/dir/

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