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Get the sound card to work on ZyBo





I have been struggling for a while now trying to get sound on the ZyBo board. I built images with the OpenEmbedded and Yocto projects where I added the following layers:



I enabled so many recipes that I couldn't remember exactly which ones.

As a test, I also tried the Linaro distro provided in this tutorial: https://reference.digilentinc.com/zybo:zybo:zybotguide

But still no sound card detected.


I really need to work with the audio on this board, how can I enable it ?


Thanks in advance

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2 answers to this question

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Hi zeechs,

From what I've seen on here on the Forum getting audio to work on the Zybo board has been a pain for everybody to get working (including for those of us here at Digilent). The most recent thing I've seen (as of Feb 29th) has been at the bottom of this forum thread. Evidently (according to the post) things haven't gotten fully tested as of yet, but apparently will work, at least in principle.


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