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SDK ARM compiler error following basic tutorial




I just recently bought a zybo board and was following the digilent tutorial and almost finished the getting started project. However, I cannot make the helloworld.c file after launching the SDK. I can still program the PL side, but if I cannot utilize the PS side. SO now I basically have a standard FPGA until I can get this issue resolved. I have been looking through the xilinx forums too and haven't seen a good solution to this problem. 

here is an example of the console output and a screenshot of the error message that pops up

Building file: ../src/helloworld.c
Invoking: ARM gcc compiler
arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc -Wall -O0 -g3 -c -fmessage-length=0 -MT"src/helloworld.o" -I../../getting_started_with_ZYBO_bsp/ps7_cortexa9_0/include -MMD -MP -MF"src/helloworld.d" -MT"src/helloworld.d" -o "src/helloworld.o" "../src/helloworld.c"
make: *** [src/helloworld.o] Error -1073741502



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I forgot to mention I am using windows 8.1 if that helps. I am considering making a fresh linux partition on my hard drive and installing vivado there. I am comfortable with either OS but I dont want to go through the hassle if this solution won't allow me to get around this error. Would this approach work? 

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