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  1. The link you provided had the key element I was not getting. Authentication has to be turned off.

    Thank you VERY much.

    Here are some useful points I learned:

    After sending $$$ to the module and getting the CMD back from the BT2, send + to turn echo mode on.

    This makes it easier to be sure you are entering the MAC addresses correctly.

    The command mode (CMD) does not allow you to use the backspace key if you make a mistake typing the MAC address in the SR, mode just hit <enter> and repeat the step.

    In my application I set the Bonding flag SX,1 to enable bonding since I do not want the modules to connect to anything else. Note that if you change the bonding value off to on or on to off the Rem value set with the Set Remote SR,<mac address> is lost .

    Whatever changes you make , you will need to send the reboot R,1 command to reboot the module. Confirming the value without rebooting by using the D command is not sufficient.

    Contrary to what the Roving Network literature says on this module when they are paired the RED led is solid and the GREEN led goes out.

    Once they are paired and Bonded the connection works better if the slave module is powered on first and then the master. It is not necessary to try to have to power them up at the same time.

    If you have your terminal program (I used PuTTY) on two separate machines and one BT2 connected to each machine, if you open PuTTY and have both the CTS and RTS tied to ground you can type on either machine and see it in the others PuTTY window. To quote Daffy Duck "Oh Joy, Oh Rapture!!!"


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