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Everything posted by attila

  1. Hi @JonasD The dwf.framework should be installed to and used from /Library/Frameworks/ or bundled with custom app. I don't know which WF version are you using but the newer ones are combined build with native M1 support:
  2. Hi @andrewsmol For warranty and replacement contact the support.digilent at ni.com specifying the Date of Purchase, Seller and Purchase Order/ Web order Number. Before this it would be good to try using the original cable or other cables you have at hand to make sure it is not a contact issue, and a Windows or Mac computer to make sure the problem/conflict is not with the Linux/driver.
  3. Hi @Bayu A Like this: FileWrite("~/Desktop/ia/impIM_"+freq+".csv", ""); // clear file for(var i = 0; i < dataImp.length; i++) FileAppendLine("~/Desktop/ia/impIM_"+freq+".csv", [dataImp[i], dataPhase[i]]);
  4. attila

    Arty A7 FT2232H wiring

    Hi @Gal Port B is used for UART and Port A for JTAG.
  5. Hi @Albertu95 For start use Scope.Export(file), the other arguments are optional to customize what to export and the other option as you have these in the Export dialog.
  6. Hi @arnavguptagenerac The FDwfAnalogOutNodeFunctionSet specifies the AWG signal frequency in Hz, except for random and play mode the update/sample rate, and the FDwfAnalogInFrequencySet the Oscilloscope sampling frequency/rate in Hz.
  7. Hi @mkj Measurements/Add/CustomGlobal the default example is Phase
  8. Hi @Bayu A Create a loop and use FileAppendLine, or File.appendLine... or build the string in JS and use FileWrite...
  9. Hi @PPPlllld Are you looking probably for something similar to the WF SDK/ samples/ py/ AnalogOutIn_PlayRecord.py AnalogOutIn_PlayRecordStereo.py AnalogOutIn_RecordPlay.py ?
  10. Hi @andrewsmol Are you using the latest software versions? https://digilent.com/reference/software/adept/start https://digilent.com/reference/software/waveforms/waveforms-3/start With older software version there was a similar problem on Linux: What computer are you using? Is it Intel CPU or ARM ? Which operating system are you using? To see if the problem is with the device, you could also try using an Intel CPU computer, preferably with Windows or Mac.
  11. Hi @Albertu95 There are many ways of doing it, depending on the exact requirements. You could perform a long capture/record, process the data and save it, like this: if(Index>Maximum) Scope.stop(); const div = 100; for(var c = 0; c < 4; c++){ var rgc = Scope.channel[c].data; var n = rgc.length; var rgr = []; var v = 0; for(var i = 0; i < n; i++){ var j = i%div; if(j==div-1){ rgr.push(v/div); v = rgc[i]; }else{ v += rgc[i]; } } FileWrite("~/Desktop/test/cap"+Index+"ch"+c+".csv", rgr); } Index++;
  12. Hi @Ben Burns Yes. You can use the View/Event with its filter options or the File/Export where you can select export source (like SPI for its events), and uncheck comment, header and labels if you only want the values.
  13. Hi @Ben Burns The Receive option in Protocol is intended for lower average data rates. It does not support streaming over USB at such rate. For this purpose use the Logic Analyzer. You can capture up to 256MiS at 8bits, like 4sec at 50MHz, ~5.3M ADC samples. With taller SPI row you have an analog representation, use Event view, Export Source: SPI (events)... To squeeze out the max it can fit, ~7.9M ADC samples, you can use Sync mode like this:
  14. Hi @Ben Burns Could you send me a logic analyzer capture (like a saved workspace or project) to generate similar signals, to reproduce what you are seeing in Protocol/SPI? Which software version are you using? Here you can find the latest one:
  15. Hi @PPPlllld On AD2 recording/streaming over USB works up to about 1MSps. For high rate and lower latency the ADP3X50 embedded Linux can be used. For real-time processing the EclypseZ7 development board.
  16. Hi @proyo Yes, this is Analog Discovery (1)
  17. Hi @andrewsmol Probably the device does not get sufficient power, there is high resistance/high voltage drop on the USB supply cable/contacts. Try using the original cable or other cables you have at hand, try other USB connector, other computer, powered hub, 5V DC auxiliary power supply if you have...
  18. Hi @RayHaynes Uncheck "Position as Division", use position as time. The "Position as Division" is intended to be used for oscilloscope/timing analysis mode when you change the time base but you want the position to remain fixed on the screen. I see no point in using this mode for huge captures but the division range will be extended in the next sw version.
  19. Hi @sleepanimal With custom signals and 0V offset would be the quickest way to return to zero. You could also use a Script like this but the offset on AD2 has relatively long settle time:
  20. Hi @Hamza Oncuer See the following: AnalogInOut_Trigger.py
  21. Hi @Venu 1. Above 50V is a different device class. You could use probe or 1M series resistor, with few pF cap or trimmer for compensation. The app instruments let you specify attenuation, like it would be 2X with 1M. 2. Currently it is not supported for TM products. Hope to have such feature with newer and next gen devices. 3. The AD2's Scope inputs/ADC is differential but not floating. 4. For AD2 LVCMOS3V3 but provides configuration for 0.5V input logic threshold. On Digital Discovery and ADP3X50 the DIO voltage is adjustable. 5. Se the Eclypse Z7 Zmod development board.
  22. Hi @Ben Burns The Protocol tool logging performance is limited by the text editor library, that is why the default history is set to 1k lines. I've added some tweaks for the next version to prevent blocking for huge amount of data. I will add "Receive to File" option just like the UART and I2C have.
  23. Hi @RayHaynes The history/Max Line can be adjusted under the View menu.
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