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Everything posted by attila

  1. Hi @H_M The newer software versions let you use the free DIO lines for custom purpose, like to control relays or analog switches.
  2. Hi @Kelsi Terry The "Device Descriptor Request Failed" could indicate USB contact issue or damaged USB controller. Try using the original USB cable the device came with or other cables you have at hand, try different USB port, powered hub.
  3. Hi @HarissonJones Use like: dwf.FDwfAnalogIOChannelNodeSet(hdwf, c_int(0), c_int(6), c_double(83360000));
  4. Hi @HarissonJones dwf.FDwfDeviceParamSet(hdwf, DwfParamFrequency, c_int(83360000)) # 8x 10.42MHz dwf.FDwfDigitalOutEnableSet(hdwf, c_int(0), c_int(1)) # DIO (0) 24 dwf.FDwfDigitalOutDividerSet(hdwf, c_int(0), c_int(4)) # /4 dwf.FDwfDigitalOutCounterSet(hdwf, c_int(0), c_int(1), c_int(1)) # /(1+1)
  5. Hi @Brendan Simon In newer software version the state output can be disabled, so the DIOs can be reused from StaticIO or Logic Analyzer. With the WF SDK/API use DwfDigitalOutTypeState for internal loopback and DwfDigitalOutTypeROM for IO.
  6. Hi @Brendan Simon The devices and instruments can be synchronized using the trigger IOs. The ADP3X50 also supports reference clock IO. The Eclypse Z7 can be loaded with 2 Zmods providing 4 Scope or 4 AWG channels or 2/2. Each device can be controlled with separate instances of WaveForms application or custom app/script which opens multiple devices and configures the needed cross-triggering, controls generator and capture...
  7. Hi @lokobob99 Sorry but I'm not familiar with this sensor.
  8. Hi @GlennCB On the UART it should print host detect, "USB Connect 1" after "Running". It is probably a IC53-USB3320C/R353 fault. Please ask for replacement.
  9. attila


    Hi @Hobs Theoretical value of analog-out is not available. The most accurate would using one scope channel to capture it with precise timing (, attenuation...) relative to the other signals. If you are using stable trigger (like analog-out triggered on analog-in), this can be saved in you script and used as 'reference' for X in the consecutive captures. You could also generate the theoretical value with a script function, like a 'math' channel.
  10. Hi @lokobob99 I've not used ultrasonic sensor, just configured the Pattern and Wavegen to generate 8x40kHz at 1ms after trigger.
  11. Hi @lokobob99 You can use Patterns or Wavegen to trigger and generate (digital or analog) 'echo' signal at the specified delay/wait.
  12. Hi @Karlis I suspect it is an USB contact issue. According to the datasheet the VCCA and VCORE are driven by the same LDO so probably both are at 1.8V
  13. Hi @GlennCB Please verify in Windows Device Manager under "USB controllers" if "Digilent ADP3450" or "Unknown USB Device" is listed, or lsusb if you are using Linux. If it is not listed, contact for replacement the support.digilent at ni.com specifying the Date of Purchase, Seller and Purchase Order/ Web order Number.
  14. Hi @Masinu You can find the schematic for Arty revC (Arty A7 is revE) here: https://digilent.com/reference/programmable-logic/arty/start https://digilent.com/reference/_media/reference/programmable-logic/arty/arty_sch.pdf
  15. attila


    Hi @Hobs dwf.FDwfAnalogInTriggerSourceSet(hdwf, trigsrcDetectorAnalogIn) #one of the analog in channels See the WF SDK/ samples/ py/ AnalogIn_Trigger.py
  16. Hi @JonasD Try modifying the .m to use /Library/Frameworks/dwf.framework/..
  17. Hi @Albertu95 Scope.Export("~/Documents/albertomeasure/output/ac.csv")
  18. Hi @Anthocyanina Yes. It depends on the noise. What you are seeing is the derivative +/- sample to sample noise it captures. In M1 I didn't multiply it with the rate so you can see a +/-~2mV noise. You probably want if(isNaN(prev)) prev = C1; and having the initializer code var prev = NaN; for the first sample to be zero.
  19. Hi @Anthocyanina Use BNC or twisted wires (like 1+/1- and W1/GND) to reduce the noise. I don't know what is your derivative function but the following M1 for me looks like this:
  20. Hi @JonasD The dwf.framework should be installed to and used from /Library/Frameworks/ or bundled with custom app. I don't know which WF version are you using but the newer ones are combined build with native M1 support:
  21. Hi @andrewsmol For warranty and replacement contact the support.digilent at ni.com specifying the Date of Purchase, Seller and Purchase Order/ Web order Number. Before this it would be good to try using the original cable or other cables you have at hand to make sure it is not a contact issue, and a Windows or Mac computer to make sure the problem/conflict is not with the Linux/driver.
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