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Brendan Simon

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  1. Can ROM patterns be created internally (without the need for an allocated I/O pin)? e.g. If I want to cycle through a pattern of bits (e.g. 8-bit value) to generate a PWM signal for sinusoid (or mixed sinusoids of different frequencies). I just want 1 bit output. Maybe I'm thinking about it wrongly, and just need a 1 bit pattern (pre-computed). Similarly a state-machine, running through say 16 states, with 2 outputs. Does it need 4 real I/Os allocated for the states or can they be internal?
  2. Hi, I have an Analog Discovery 2, which I love and does most of what I want, however I'm looking for a cost effective 4 Channel Waveform Generator, 4 Channel Scope and Digital IO (the AD2 has only 4 channel waveform generator) Something like the Analog Discovery Pro 3000 with 4 channel waveform would be perfect. Does such a product exist? Can 2 x AD-Pro devices be ganged together and synchronised to so that they are phase aligned and effectively work as a single unit (preferably with a single Ethernet or USB connection)? Similarly, can and AD-Pro and AD2 be ganged together, or even 2 x AD2 devices? Any suggestions welcome. Thanks, Brendan.
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