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Everything posted by attila

  1. Hi @Duh Use the Logic Analyzer to capture the generated signals like this: DDC264 Data Convert and Readback v2.dwf3work The Pattern Generator preview is not perfect, it mostly works with simple signals. Originally I implemented to generate exactly what the device FPGA would do but in some cases this turned out to be slow with a CPU. Now it performs a simplified preview, giving up where it would be time consuming to calculate.
  2. Hi @wos The latest software version will detect such power failure during initial configuration or later. This is not documented but the AIO 15:0 returns 1 if device is ON and 0 if it is OFF for every device. See the following example: AnalogIO_AnalogDiscovery3_SystemMonitor.py if dwf.FDwfDeviceOpen(c_int(-1), byref(hdwf)) == 0 or hdwf.value == hdwfNone.value: dwf.FDwfGetLastErrorMsg(szerr) print("Failed to open device:") print(szerr.value.decode()) quit() dwf.FDwfGetLastErrorMsg(szerr) if len(szerr.value) != 0: print("Warning:") print(szerr.value.decode()) ... if dwf.FDwfAnalogIOStatus(hdwf) == 0 : dwf.FDwfGetLastErrorMsg(szerr) print("Communication error:") print(szerr.value.decode()) break; dwf.FDwfAnalogIOChannelNodeStatus(hdwf, c_int(15), c_int(0), byref(dsts)) if dsts.value == 1: print("Device is ON") else: print("Device is OFF")
  3. Hi @m72 With "Analog only" the number of samples and rate of digital view gets stuck with the first capture parameters. I didn't notice this before. It is fixed for next version. Thank you for the observation.
  4. Hi @bruce19 You can use Add Channel/Math/Filter, and/or Time/ Average or Filter channel with newer devices AD3, ADP3X50...
  5. Hi @Andrew Zonenberg Devices in local network can be enumerated just like the USB device, FDwfEnum The detection could take more time so you can use FDwfEnumStart/Stop with delay. You can also add remote devices to table, in WaveForms application/ Device Manager/ Remote or programmatically with Adept Runtime/DmgrDvcTblAdd. In this case use FDwfEnum(enumfilterType|enumfilterRemote|... If the authentication is enabled for the device, FDwfEnumInfo and FDwfDeviceOpenEx should be used providing user/pass
  6. Hi @magnitudephase The ADP3450 has larger programmable logic, which already implements more features and it still has free space, it provides larger device buffers. The pros for the two are: - ADP3450 has BNC connectors, 4 single ended oscilloscope inputs, AC/DC, BW limit, FIR+IIR, lets you capture 128Mi&64Mi oscilloscope&digital samples, device capture buffering with <1us latency, adjustable DIO voltage, embedded Linux option - AD3 is more portable, USB powered, 2 differential oscilloscope inputs, FIR, positive&negative supplies, the ADC&DAC clocking is better with less jitter
  7. Hi @Duh These are input fields, you can select or type what you want.
  8. Hi @DMarandino There is no FDwfDigitalInChannelEnableSet function. All digital inputs are always enabled. See the manual and examples:
  9. Hi @m72 Yes, the oscilloscope offset shifts the signal so the filter input is also shifted, like -1V input offset makes +1V to be 0 input for the filter.
  10. Hi @BigBob Data can be imported from Script like this: Scope.AddTab("myfile", FileImport("~/Desktop/default.csv"), 1e6) See the Script/Example/TCP and Named Pipe examples, Help tab for details. List and decimal separators are remembered in Import dialog, it lets you open or drop multiple files...
  11. Hi @philipg The latest version changes the oversample weighting to linear used in combining captures. Previous versions used exponential weighting to compensate for bandwidth reduction but this could cause artifacts at higher oversampling ratios. Here C1 is oversampled with EExplorer and R1/2 is captured with a 2GHz 500/20MHz oscilloscope.
  12. Hi @m72 Thank you for the observation. It will be fixed in the next version 3.21.18 I recommend using the individual calibrations which you need to perform. To overcome this wizard bug, before the wizard press Reset/ Reset to zero.
  13. Hi @Doc TB Thank you for the feedback. There are currently no plans for a new generation of this device. The threshold is adjustable up to 2V with ADP5250 (VirtualBench), but this is a different class of device, 1GHz scope, supplies, dmm and less special features.
  14. Hi @PaulGlass The data transitions are on the clock falling edge so make sure to set the sampling to rising edge.
  15. Hi @philipg The transitions are usually steeper around the middle and placing the trigger level here makes the triggering more stable, less affected by noise. The horizontal positioning of the captures for oversampling is done either by FFT phase (if there are multiple periods captured) or by trigger level interpolation (as it is in your experiment). In the second case, a stable trigger is more important.
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