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Everything posted by attila

  1. Hi @Lidong Master enable Off: Supplies.MasterEnable.setChecked(false) or Supplies.MasterEnable.value = 0 V+ Off: Supplies.Output.PositiveSupply.Enable.setChecked(false)
  2. Hi @sergiodorazio Notice that you place the voltage reading to "vPtt1" and later used "vPtt" The Voltmeter already performs averaging. The DC is calculated based on average of the specified Update rate. If you want to average it further, use wait at least this amount of time, like: wait(Voltmeter.State.Update.value)
  3. Hi @Lidong Set trigger to None to capture immediately. Use wait() function for pause in script, like settle.
  4. Hi @logicmax if(!FDwfAnalogOutNodeEnableSet(hdwf, i, 0, 1)) return false; if(!FDwfAnalogOutIdleSet(hdwf, i, DwfAnalogOutIdleInitial)) return false; if(!FDwfAnalogOutTriggerSourceSet(hdwf, i, trigsrcExternal1)) return false; if(!FDwfAnalogOutTriggerSlopeSet(hdwf, i, DwfTriggerSlopeFall)) return false; if(!FDwfAnalogOutWaitSet(hdwf, i, 1e-6)) return false; if(!FDwfAnalogOutRunSet(hdwf, i, 2e-6)) return false; if(!FDwfAnalogOutRepeatSet(hdwf, i, 0)) return false; if(!FDwfAnalogOutRepeatTriggerSet(hdwf, i, 1)) return false; if(!FDwfAnalogOutNodeFunctionSet(hdwf,i, 0, funcPulse)) return false; if(!FDwfAnalogOutNodeFrequencySet(hdwf, i, 0, 500e3)) return false; if(!FDwfAnalogOutNodeAmplitudeSet(hdwf, i, 0, 1.0)) return false; if(!FDwfAnalogOutNodeOffsetSet(hdwf, i, 0, 0.0)) return false; if(!FDwfAnalogOutNodeSymmetrySet(hdwf, i, 0, 0.05)) return false; if(!FDwfAnalogOutNodePhaseSet(hdwf, i, 0, 0.0)) return false;
  5. Hi @Popylala If you have no load or short on the V+, probably this is damaged. Do you have any idea how could this happen? What was the setup in the recent experiments? Did you connect high voltage to V+ ? For warranty and replacement contact the support.digilent at ni.com specifying the Date of Purchase, Seller and Purchase Order/ Web order Number
  6. Hi @Popylala The voltage drop on the USB cable could be high, leading to lower device supply voltage and current increase. Try using other USB cable, socket, powered USB hub or 5 VDC AUX power supply for the device.
  7. Hi @batesenergy 1. You could connect to the ADP over USB or Network. Currently the Network access is working in the same LAN. The connection is based on discovery which is probably not working over VPN. From the host computer it can be used in device mode with WF app or applications/scripts based on WF SDK. The next software version will add support for remote devices... 2. The ADP can also be used in embedded Linux boot mode. In this mode it can be used as well as device (like in step 1 over bridge-service) or any custom application can be run in the device. Applications/scripts based on WF SDK can access the ADP interfaces or other devices connected to the USB ports or over network. These apps/scripts can be developed-tested on computer then run/ported to embedded mode. 3. You could also install vncserver, a desktop and the amrhf build of WaveForms on the ADP-Linux. This way you can have remote access to ADP running WF app or other apps.
  8. Hi @1988maciejt Sure, suggestions are welcome.
  9. Hi @1988maciejt Drag the splitter from the right ? I've made this splitter non-collapsible for the next sw version.
  10. Hi @edwardjs Do you have ground connection between the devices? Make sure the wiring is correct, which DIO is used for which signal. Use the Logic Analyzer or Oscilloscope to see the signal timings and levels.
  11. Hi @1988maciejt This is the first time I hear such problem. I don't know what could be wrong... eventually some Windows security options. 1. Try running WF as Administrator. 2. Uninstall WF and make sure to delete the C:/Program Files (x86)/Digilent folder to remove any locked/remaining files-folders and reinstall. I've added for the next software version to show the url as placeholder text in case the page is no loaded.
  12. Hi @James Aguirre I just notice this question. The THD and other measurements are available in the Spectrum interface.
  13. Hi @enelson I see the problem now in XY at high offset/range ratios. It is fixed for the next version. Thank you for the observation.
  14. Hi @1988maciejt Try reinstalling the WF application. The html files for help should be deployed to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Digilent\WaveForms3\doc\ Use Help/Browse to open in default browser.
  15. Hi @blaugios The record length with (AD2,ADS...) is unlimited at lower rates (up to about 1-2MHz) that fits through the USB streaming. See the WF SDK/ samples/ py/ AnalogIn_Record.py AnalogIn_Record.py AnalogIn_Record_Wave_Mono.py .... 300M samples at 1MHz: AnalogIn_Record1.py The Analog Discovery Pro 3000 series will seamlessly use the internal DDRam for buffering to allow up to 128Mi samples and up to 125MHz.
  16. Hi @enelson Could it be a ground loop issue ? Try powering the AD2 from 5VDC supply to minimize such.
  17. Hi @cmillionbrown Most probably it is a mUSB contact issue. The revF or newer should be protected from eeprom corruption but it could be reprogrammed.
  18. Hi @shishir Make sure the compatibility mode is off.
  19. Hi @ALackOfNumbers You can use a Script like this combine to two consecutive bytes in a word: Protocol.UART.Receiver() var rg = [] while(wait()){ var t = Protocol.UART.ReceiveArray() if(!t.length) continue rg = rg.concat(t) while(rg.length>1){ var v1 = rg.shift() var v2 = rg.shift() print(v1,v2) print((v1<<8)+v2) // MSB first } }
  20. Hi @exsurgo_ankit Yes. These are the maximum tolerances for the components and in the important analog areas like around the amplifiers 0.1%R and 1%C are used. Beyond that, each device is calibrated during the manufacturing test process. You can find the specs at: https://reference.digilentinc.com/test-and-measurement/analog-discovery-2/specifications#arbitrary_waveform_generator
  21. Hi @TheStumbler You could use the following custom interpreter:
  22. Hi @TheStumbler There is no GPIB interpreter available. You could create a custom protocol decoder or use Bus and signals.
  23. Hi @DShade It looks like the saved csv contains timestamp and data. The 2D should be processed in script to skip the timestamp. Or simply export the csv without timestamp.
  24. Hi @joshva Have you installed the WaveForms application ? https://reference.digilentinc.com/reference/software/waveforms/start If it is not detected by the application, first try using the original USB cable or other cables you have at hand, try using other USB adaptor/HUB. Does the device show up in under System Information / Hardware / USB ? For more troubleshooting tips see the following post:
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