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  1. Hello Fausto, thank you for replying. So i'll have to revert to DT Open Layers v 7.8.2 to fix this issue. Thanks a lot Best regards, Galvani
  2. Hello everyone, i'll really appreciate any suggestion to fix this issue with Matlab DAQ Adaptator and the DT9857E while trying to generate and acquire signals. Thanks for your reply! Galvani
  3. Hey, you can get it from here https://files.digilent.com/#downloads/DTSoftware/ best!
  4. Hi everyone, i'm Galvani from the department of mechanic at the technical university of Berlin, interested in vibration theory and machines dynamics. Getting started with MCC Products, i hope this forum will help me to improve. Best!
  5. Hello, i'm trying to generate and acquire signals for a study using a DT9857E box, so i wrote a short code(using matlab and the DAQ Toolbox) to test wether the result could be satisfying or not. The code is written this way: clear all, clc, close all s = daq("dt"); fAbtast = 50e3; s.Rate = fAbtast; %1000; BoxName = 'DT9857E-16(00)'; addoutput(s,BoxName, '0', 'Voltage'); addinput(s,BoxName,'0', 'Voltage'); fIn = 1e3; t = 0:1/fAbtast:1-1/fAbtast; x = sin(2*pi*fIn*t); Output_data = x'*1.2; Input_data = readwrite(s, Output_data); figure time_vec = seconds(Input_data.Time); plot(time_vec, Output_data) hold on plot(time_vec, Input_data.Variables) hold off grid on legend(["Output Signal","Acquired Signal"]) The result looks this way. Any Idea on why the acquired signal does look that way? Since i just connected an output channel to an input channel, the same output signal or at least likely was expected to be acquired. I even try to reproduce the example in the following matlab documentation: Simultaneously Acquire Data and Generate Signals - MATLAB & Simulink - MathWorks Deutschland but the result did not look great : %% Example from Matlab's documentation % A session has been already defined output = cos(linspace(0,2*pi,1000)'); data1 = readwrite(s, output); figure plot(output); hold on plot(data1.Variables); ylabel("Voltage (V)") %title("Acquired Signal"); legend(["Output Data","Acquired Signal"]) below is an enlarged view of the acquired signal Any suggestion to fix this will be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your reply :) I also attached a matlab file with the code if one may want to reproduce these results. testOutput.m
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