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  1. What would you suppose caused the issue with the device?
  2. I am syncing 4 DT9837A devices using RJ45 cables connected in a parallel circuit.Which are connected to 13 sensors. During a test run I encountered that one device recored values of around 5000+ in all of its channels. And in other 3 device's channel values stayed around a 100 ±10. The sensor sensitivity was set to 0.01mV/unit for all the 13 channels. Do resources like RAM and CPU cores affect directly or indirectly affect the sample values? For example, if everything is running on high RAM memory and full CPU cores during start or during acquisition could lead to erratic sample values? Would really appreciate if someone could help me out here.
  3. I'm confused on how to convert voltage acquired to acceleration in g's for IEPE accelerometer. And how the set_sensor_sensitivity is used in a_in_scan_iepe.py.
  4. Thanks for prompt response Fausto! Does Master and Slave configuration actually work on DT9837A? In my previously asked question you said that the DT9837A does not support the set_sync_mode() method in UL for Linux. Can you please provide me with some example code for 'SO_TIMEBASEOUT' and 'SO_EXTTIMEBASE' with master and slave configuration it works. Regarding the RJ45 I have made a parallel circuit on a protoboard according to the documentation and also tested it with QuickDAQ software to test it. And all the IEPE accelerometers use +/-10Volts so there is no other option for device with 3 sensors. I will surely add a 50 Ohms BNC connector for noise reduction.
  5. Hello, I am using 4 DT9837A devices to acquire data from 15 IEPE sensors. I have some questions. in total there are be 16 channels from all the devices. I want to leave one channel and not acquire data from it. So should I set high and low channels for each device separately? the frequency is 23kHz and I want to store data on MongoDB with accurate time stamp of the acquired data. Is it possible to store the time in the buffer? If not is there any other solutions that you could suggest. For multiple devices should I use threading or multiprocessing or just single thread to acquire the data? I want to sync the devices but as it is not possible with the library, which of the above approach would be suitable? I would like to associate a specific name to each channel. So every time the device with it's unique id has the same name. I am try this from my config.ini file but I am facing the error that number of variable are not equal. so it can not name them, maybe it is because number of channel= 4 for each device and I'm trying to name 16 of them together. What could be the possible solution to this? I have attached my code below. I really appreciate your response. Thanks in advance. :) config.ini DataAcquisition.py
  6. Hello, I am using 4 DT9837A modules, each connected to 4 IEPE single axis accelerometers. I would like to have synchronised data acquisition with software trigger. I have made a parallel connection of 4 RJ45 wires in the protoboard and tested it with QuickDAQ software. The python application I am making is on UL for Linux(Uldaq-1.2.3 library). From the Uldaq-1.2.3 documentation I have included is AoConfig(), set_sync_mode() and MASTER SLAVE configuration in my code. But I get the error ULError.CONFIG_NOT_SUPPORTED: Configuration not supported. For triggering all the options in the Uldaq-1.2.3 documentation is for external trigger. My aim is to sync all the devices with a software trigger. I would appreciate any assistance on this. Thanks in advance.
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