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Everything posted by EmaZybo97

  1. Hi @JColvin, Thank you for your answer. I did other tests and as you suggested at the beginning ( ) the problem is related to the power supply. I have tried running the program with an external power supply and it seems to work fine. Is it normal that without an external power supply the OLEDrgb does not work? I worked also with the MTDS module (a time ago) and in that case I did not have these kind of problems. Anyway, thank you very much again for your help! P.S: This could be related to a problem with the hw server (as you mentioned earlier) that I avoided by replacing it with Vivado2020's hw server. (In any case I also did a test with the Vivado clean installation, but even then the module needs external power).
  2. Yes It is. I also tried on JC. Are you using the vivado-library from master branch on GitHub? In this other guide https://digilent.com/reference/programmable-logic/guides/getting-started-with-pmod-ips, in the section "Add Digilent's Vivado Library to a Vivado Project" there is a v2020.1-1 ZIP file. But It is not available to download (in both references). Is there an updated lib?
  3. Hello, thanks both for your answer. @Richm I did a check in the AdressEditor/Map and the xparameters.h file as you suggest but there was no mismatch between addresses as shown in the photos below. @JColvin I did another test. I tried to create a system with OLEDrgb as a hierarchical block following this guide: https://digilent.com/reference/programmable-logic/guides/hierarchical-blocks (I used the vivado-library repository "feature / merged_hierarchies" branch: https://github.com/Digilent/vivado-library/tree/feature/merged-hierarchies). This time there is no crash but the module still does not work (the DONE led is high). I also did one last test to understand where the problem could be. I added a series of xil_printf inside the OLEDrgb_begin function and the OLEDrgb_DeviInit function and these are the results: For some reason, it can't end the Write_SPI function inside the OLEDrgb_DevInit, so I assumed it could be due to a communication problem (I have not made any other changes to the SDK). Hope this could help. Please, tell me if you need additional details. Thanks.
  4. Hello, I'm trying to use PModOLEDrgb on a Zybo Z7-20 and run the basic Demo provided by the library but I have a problem with it. I follow all the steps indicated in the Getting Started guide (https://digilent.com/reference/learn/programmable-logic/tutorials/pmod-ips/start) but I still have problems. I'm using Vivado 2021.2 and until the board programming, all seem fine: I'm able to generate the bitstream, build the Platform and Application Project without errors. However, when I try to program the board an unexpected crash appears. The board is reset and I hear the classic Windows "cable reconnected sound". I did some tests with vivado-library takes from master branch and with vivado-library takes from last release (with the updated Makefiles) but the results are the same. In the pictures above there are my Block Design and my settings, I hope that they can help to understand where is the problem, maybe I missed some steps, or I have a wrong configuration. During my tests, I saw that the crash is somehow related to the function OLEDrgb_begin(). I surrounded the begin function with two xil_print to Debug the situation and only the first one is correctly visualized. If I comment the begin function the board and the "Done" Led stay on. I also supposed that the problem could be the hardware module, but I test it on my Arduino and it work. Could you help me solve this problem? In case, there is another guide to follow or some sample projects I could try on my board? Tell me if you need more information, I will provide you as soon as possible. Thanks and Best Regards.
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