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Everything posted by osman

  1. Hi @JColvin, Thank you a lot, it works very well. Regards.
  2. Hi @JColvin, Thank you for your answer. So I need to upgrade to 2020.1 or 2018.2, right? Thanks.
  3. Hello I just started working with FPGA, forgive my ignorance. I've been trying to run the project over this link for a few days now -> https://digilent.com/reference/programmable-logic/zybo-z7/demos/hdmi. I am using Vivado 2019.1, I download 2018.2-2 version and Vivado has automatically updated the 2018.2 version in the link. After downloading, I program my ZYBO Z7 card without making any changes by following the steps in the README section many times. My connections are as follows: Laptop HDMI out -> Zybo Z7 HDMI RX, Zybo Z7 HDMI TX -> HDMI to VGA cable -> Monitor VGA input. When I click Run System Debugger, the FPGA connection is broken and the UART interface does not work while the connections are this way. When I disconnect the HDMI RX (that is, disconnect the Laptop from the HDMI), these images come to the monitor, and the UART interface works. Then I used an HDMI TV instead of a VGA monitor, and although the FPGA connection was not broken this time, the UART interface did not work (it does not type anything into the terminal when I press the keyboard), and the Laptop screen was not transferred to the TV. I set the laptop resolution to 1280x720 and more different resolutions. Nothing can be changed. While my board is connected to the TV and laptop, the HDP led next to the HDMI RX is on, I think the laptop is transferring images to the board, but I'm starting to think that there's a problem with transferring images from the board to the HDMI TX. I can say that I have studied all the Zybo Z7-10 pass-through errors on the forums, but I have not been able to find a solution. I hope I was able to explain my problem. Can you help me? Or some information about how to transfer the image from the laptop to the monitor via FPGA? Thanks.
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