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  1. Is there no eeprom option for just downloading the bitstream to the board such that it retains what I programmed to it? (No longer looking at using .txt file, just have a bitstream.
  2. Is the bitstream storing the .txt files I would have? Or would it just be storing their locations on the SD card for which to access later?
  3. Could I import a massive amount of .txt files as sources into vivado and then from there use that generated bitstream to make an SDK project for which is just a hello world or whatever, that could then auto start the vivado project essentially??
  4. I am no longer using SDK for this. Can this be done from Vivado?
  5. Thank you. I am looking to just be able to power this on and see it start doing what I had last coded it as basically. Ill look into these options more in depth.
  6. I am trying to make it such that can make my project stay saved on the FPGA. Currently I am re-downloading the bit-stream each time. How do I access the EEPROM such that I am not having to redownload the bitstream. As for the SD card portion, I want to read in data from a large .txt file and was wondering how to access the file data from it, via Vivado. Say I generate a billion numbers and I want to randomly read those values, I would have a giant pre-generated .txt file (or multiple) on the SD card. How would I go about accessing this?
  7. I have managed to do the editing to the Vivado file. Just trying to figure out how to send different voltages with the enable bit pulse high or low.
  8. I am trying to bypass using the buffer feature on the DAC I have attached to the Eclypse Z7 by writing directly to the DAC pins (which are connected to the ZMOD port). I am having trouble finding the register manual for this such that I can write directly to the 14 bits of the ZMOD port that are connected to the DAC. I have found the base address of the ZMOD_PORT (0x43C1000) but do not know how much of an offset value I would need to access the address in which the 32 pins are controlled. I have been diving deep into the code file trying to find what this offset would be, but am so far coming up empty. Does anyone possibly have the link for the register manual for the Eclypse Z7 ZMOD? I know ive been asking a lot of questions, sorry and thanks for your time. (This is for my senior project which I was assigned, so like I have to deal with what I got.)
  9. I am trying to figure out how to write to the RESET_AWG port here in SDK in hopes I can reset the DAC after every send of Data sent to help with creating a noise generator. Currently the DAC is outputting the same data consistently for upwards of a few milliseconds before it eventually is updating to the new value I send it. I am hoping by forcing a reset, this won't occur and more and the data buffer sent will only output once and then send a new array of data out/
  10. Sending data to the DAC in a buffer of data is what I am doing. However the DAC will not let me update that buffer once its sent until roughly 5us had passed. The dac would just repeat the entire buffer until 5us had passed and then would finally update to a new value. I am still having issues with it not updating and forcefully repeating multiple cycles of the same buffer data before it is allowing those values to change.... That 5us was just how long I had sent the orignal length of a buffer of data to be. Now that I am creating 40us of data, it is repeating the same buffer of data every 40us until 1ms+ later when it eventually changes the buffer value. Essentially I am having issues clearing out the buffer of voltage values immediately after sending them.
  11. I actually have figured out a way around my issues, I just now have to implement it in code. (some timing diagrams works wonders.) Thank you for your responses. In short I figured out that the DAC needs 5us to update its output, so I will just be writing 10us worth of data to it at a time, giving it plenty of room for calculations and updating.
  12. Ive already completely simulated this in both matlab and c coding and it does work. Im just having issues getting that to translate over to this DAC. I am trying to send DC voltages for different amounts of time into this DAC, but I am having issues controlling the speed of this DAC. For example, I want to output a voltage value for 30ns and then immediately after that a different voltage value for 1000ns.
  13. I was really just trying to avoid that approach but I suppose I could do it. I am making a noise generator for speeds 1kHz to 4Mhz for reference, and it wouldve been much nicer to just write it in c programming. The DAC doesn't like me keeping it in a while loops to simulate different frequencies. Ill look into the HDL side of things, but Im hoping I dont have to reinvent the wheel here with getting it all set up..
  14. For the demo project for the ramp up function in Xilinx SDK, what would be the correct parameters to obtain the highest possible output speed of the DAC? I am having speed issues when changing voltage values.
  15. So I'm running into an issue with processing speeds of the following function: value[i] = sqrt(-2*log((rand() % MAX_RAND_VAL)/(MAX_RAND_VAL+1.0)))*cos(TAU*(rand() % MAX_RAND_VAL)/(MAX_RAND_VAL+1.0)) * sigma; I am generating a random number of gaussian distribution for my output voltage. I need to be able to do this and still output speeds of 10MHz. However it seems that this formula takes roughly 100-200us to calculate, no where near the speed at which I need. Would it be possible to generate all my possible data points into an absolutely massive array before hand? I would need the write the program to the SD card so that I can have a multiple gigabyte array. Is this possible? And how would I go about programming to the SD card such that the program runs on power up? I see there is a jumper pin for QSPI/SD/JTAG but I am relatively unfamiliar with these kinds of things, so I am not certain how to program to the SD card (like would I have to call memory addresses there and just further complicate the system?)
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