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Everything posted by alex84

  1. Hello, I'm trying to obtain VGA resolution 640x480 at 30fps with Zybo-Z7 Digilent demo project. The project run smooth with the HD resolution but I need 640x480. I patch 720p60fps preset{ //[7:4]=0010 System clock divider /2, [3:0]=0001 Scale divider for MIPI /1 {0x3035, 0x11}, //[3:0] Output horizontal width high byte {0x3808, (640 >> 8) & 0x0F}, //[7:0] Output horizontal width low byte {0x3809, 640 & 0xFF}, //[2:0] Output vertical height high byte {0x380a, (480 >> 8) & 0x7F}, //[7:0] Output vertical height low byte {0x380b, 480 & 0xFF}, } I used the existing R640_4860_60_NN timing_t struct I just change the polarity to positive as my device need. But it doesn't works. Is someone could provid a working preset ? Thanks by advance. Regards
  2. Thank you for your reply. I've check the A.Taylor's Mipi CSI-2 Rx SubSys config and we have the same parameters except for the lane rate I use 336MBP and he used 280MBPS. A.Taylor's SW project use one config 720p*1280 @ 60fps, A.Taylor's cam SW init config is the same than Digilent. The main difference is I config iic cam from PCIe without µBlaze. I readback cam register from iic and it looks ok. You are right Kintex 7 compatibility wasn't added in IP packager. I could instantiate it after add. If I cannot have valid frame with my project I will try to adapt the Genesys2 project to KC705. Thank's for your detailed explanation. Regards
  3. Hello, I'm facing the same problem I'm using Xilinx Vivado 2020.1 IP. When I'm trying to import Digilent IP Mipi-CSI & D-PHY are grayed out: I can open them from Zedboard-HW.xpr but not from import in my project. Is there a whay to do it? Regards
  4. Is it planned by Digilient to update demo with Mipi-csi2 rx sub-system, this IP being default Mipi IP since Vivado 2020.1? Regards
  5. Hello, I'm using "Mipi-csi2 rx subsys" on KC705 & 0V5640 with FMC Digilent adapter. I obtain data from d-phy (fig1) but I can't obtain TVALID signal from AXIS output. Mipi-csi2 rx subsys is set to decode YUV422 10 bit signal, on 2 Lanes with LaneRate to 280Mbps. I modify the Xilinx cfg_init tab from 0V5640.h and set register: {0x3034 || 0x1A} 10bit {0x300e || 0x45 } MIPI enable || Two lane mode {0x4800 || 0x14} [5]=0 Clock free running, [4]=1 Send line short packet, [3]=0 Use lane1 as default, [2]=1 MIPI bus LP11 when no packet; Default=0x04 {0x4300 || 0x30} Format Control (YUV) Edit: I read from ISR=0x00022882: bit2-ErrFrameSync VC0=1 | bit7-ErrFrameSync VC3=1 | bit11-ECC 2-bit error | bit13-SoT error detected bit17-StopState Q0 How to set 0V5640 register 0to obtain valid frame with YUV10bit config? Q1 Which condition are needed to generate tvalid on axis output? Q2 Is there register to set to generate axis transaction from "Mipi-csi2 rx subsys"? Regards.
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