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Posts posted by Richm

  1. Just a quick comment after reading this thread. Be careful where in DDR memory you are writing to using DMA as writing to memory in use by the processor can cause all sorts of trouble. A clean approach is to set aside a section of ram in the processor linker description file and then use the beginning address of the reserved section as the DMA base address, or alternately use the OCM if it's big enough. Writing data to ram address 0 gives me the hebbe-jebbies as this is often ( on older simpler microcontrollers, anyway) the beginning of the interrupt vector table.

  2. I've found Xilinx driver code to be obtuse and buggy while writing my own for the UARTS, timers, and other simpler modules using the TRM is pretty easy. More than once I've had the experience of studying/debugging the provided code only to realize that I could have it working already if I'd started with the TRM and set set/clear the bits myself.

    I really like MPSOCs because the combination of FPGA and PS makes it easy to create your own peripherals in the fabric specific to the part and use. For instance, if I was interfacing to an SPI display I would write Verilog IP that could do the SPI and higher level maintenance of display with an AXIlite interface so the processor can simply write chars to the local buffer and not be concerned with the rest of the process. 

  3. Dunno, I've experimented with many PL only designs but I always use the PL clock & a clock wizard. If you click on the 'board' tab with the block design open, you should see a clock source listed that you can click on and add to your design. It will create the necessary ports, constraints and a clock wizard that you can modify. Note that by PL only I mean no PS in the block design and using the Vivado hardware manager only.

  4. No, the timing isn't super critical. Your RX module should restart with the leading edge of the start bit so that any accumulated error only potentially affects the bits within the byte, not byte to byte. If you use a high enough frequency input clock you can simply count clock cycles to time everything, the error will not accumulate. Also, you want to use a metahardening block in the same clock domain on the rx pin input. On the TX side you will probably want a large enough fifo so as to avoid having to handle the back pressure up stream. 

  5. It could be a problem with the AXI bus in the PL. Double check the assigned addresses in Vivado and the xparameters.h file that Vitis created when you built the platform. An address mismatch will hang the AXI bus and appears to crash the entire system.

  6. C ( and C++?) are highly typed languages so it is worth learning to be precise with constants and data types to avoid unexpected errors.

    In C, 2 != 2.0f != 2.0. The first is an integer, the second a single precision float and the last is double which is what C defaults without the 'f' suffix. Yes, the compiler can automatically convert in some cases but it is better to be completely explicit. For example, your code maybe working just fine but you are implicitly using double (64 bit) floating point.

  7. I also had a quick look at your code. It looks like you are setting a flag in the isr for the main loop when a character is available? This would be the same as polling ( blocking ) in the main loop with an extra layer added on top. What you want to do read characters in the isr into a double (ping-pong) buffer until the rx fifo is empty and then set a flag and switch buffers when the command framing character ( usually cr or lf ) is received. What I usually do is set the flag to 1 or 2 to tell the main loop which bank of the rx buffer to read. Also,  be aware that sending a string longer that 16 chars will cause blocking on the tx side. I skip the character echo and transmit a simple ack/nack ( "OK"/"Error" ) depending on the results of the command parser.

  8. SPI is a particularly simple protocol. Designing an HDL SPI master is an excellent beginners exercise - study the a/d data sheet, it should have everything you need to get started. Can I help any more than that? No. VHDL gives me a headache. I like the clarity & simplicity of Verilog. 

  9. One also needs knowledge and experience with DSP since that's what you're doing.

    It took me a couple of years of Sundays to finally get comfortable with Verilog, AXI and Vivado including taking a bunch of Xilinx on-demand classes. Learning how to use the simulator and knowing how to interpret the results is perhaps the most critical part.  

  10. This is a bit embarrassing, but I discovered after buying another I2S PMOD that I wasn't driving the MCLK ( PMOD in slave mode ) at the correct frequency ratio to the LRCLK. A simple change to assign the MCLK to a different bit in the clock counter fixed the problem. This error didn't affect the D/A just the A/D thus explaining what I was observing.

    In my defense I think the data sheets are a bit confusing, but rererereading them fixed the problem.

  11. Can you elaborate as to what kind of underlying issues might  occur when using direct register access for a GPIO?

    I've never used the PS GPIO, but the AXI GPIO couldn't be simpler - 1 data and 1 data direction register per channel. In my experience, the Xilinx driver code is way over complicated to the point of being hard to use and debug. More than once I have started with Xilinx example code and then ended up doing what I should have done all along - read the documentation and read/write the registers myself, just like I have done many times in the past with HC11/16s, PICs,  AVRs and ARM microcontrollers.

  12. The base address of an AXI lite IP comes from the Vivado address editor. If you examine the documentation for the GPIO, you will find the offsets and bit definitions for all the accessible registers. In this case, the offset for the second channel is 8 so Xil_in32( baseaddress ) will read the switches and Xil_Out32( baseaddress + 8, data ) will write the leds. The problem with Xilinx's driver code is that it can over complicate something simple

  13. What device?

    If you already have processors onboard, the simplest is to use them. I think that the Vitis bootloader is for hard processors? Vitis works with a somewhat complicated platform/domain/system/app structure and the system level is for grouping all the apps that are intended to run concurrently on the chip. Building the system will create a boot file that contains the fpga bitstream, the elf files for all the processors, the fsbl and possibly the pmufw and ssbl. With a microblaze, doesn't the elf file need to included in the bitstream so that the instruction memory is loaded with the bitstream? This would mean Vivado -> Vitis -> Vivado to include the elf in the bitstream.

    I'm not sure Xilinx really cares too much about "the little guy", altho I can tell you from experience that the more you use the software the easier it becomes.

  14. Did you look at the available US+ dev boards?

    I have a ZCU104, which is one of the cheapest Xilinx US+ boards. The chip ( XCZU7EV-2 ) is incredibly powerful with a good size FPGA and A53 and R5 processor clusters. It only costs a finger or two, not an arm & leg. The chip is the largest US+ part that doesn't require a license for Vivado. 

    What I want, for no real reason, is a large Virtex ultrascale dev board, but I'm not a military contractor.

  15. One thing to be careful with is the S2MM (input to ps) must be set up first, before the MM2S channel. If you try streaming data into the DMA before the channel is set up it will lock up. I found this mistake in Xilinx's own example code. I would look closely at the DMA driver code, it could easily have bugs in it. From my experience with both STM and Xilinx, I would say that driver code is often written by inexperienced programmers and not necessarily properly tested. Read the AXI DMA data sheet as well. Using the DMA is basic mode is really simple and requires just 2 register writes per channel. Use this sequence:

    1) Set the run bit ( only need to do this once )

    2) Wait for DMA idle ( only after the first transfer )

    3) write the S2MM address and transfer length (bytes)

    4) write the MM2S address and transfer length

    I use an AXI DMA to transfer 64 32-bit words to 8 different IPs by separately multiplexing  tvalid. Tready is tied high as I designed the IP to always be ready. The DMA has internal fifos and has no trouble transferring all 64 words in a single burst of 64 clock cycles. I use the OCM, which as been set to non-cachable, as buffers for the DMA transfer.

  16. what is the first create_clock warning about? I don't think you need or want to use this in combination with the clocking wizard. Also sysclk != sys_clk.

    If you click on the board tab does it show a clock source? If so, you can right click the clock source and add it to block design. This will add the input pin(s) and a clocking wizard and all the necessary constraints.

    I'm no tcl expert, but I separate the pin constraints into 2 lines ( for a ZCU104 ) :

    set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports led0]
    set_property PACKAGE_PIN D5 [get_ports led0]

    note no ';' termination or curlies

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