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no linux tcf agent runnig on the specified: error



Hi all,
I tried to run the hello world project on linux application, but I kept running into error"there is no linux tcf agent runnig on the specified" when I tried to connect the board. Anything to check? The Ip address should be correct. And I could login using SSH client.
I am using zedboard and the sdk is 2016.4. And I boot the linux system from sd card. I could use ifconfig to see that the Ethernet is working.



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6 answers to this question

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That looks like it could be one of the prebuilt ramdisks... I'm not sure they had tcfagent installed. Or maybe it is an outdated version.

You can check if tcf-agent is running on the zedboard by executing 'ps' and looking for the tcf-agent process. If it is not there, it is not running.

If this is the problem, I'd recommend rebuilding the rootfs. I'd recommend using newer versions of petalinux for this.

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Hi Sbobrowicz,

Thanks for the reply. I think you are right. I am new to linux system booting from sd card. Could you tell me where I can download a new version of ramdisks so I can replace it? I have trouble rebuilding the rootfs. Thanks a lot.

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I would recommend using petalinux to rebuild the rootfs. To do this, you should obtain the Zedboard Petalinux BSP from the Downloads section of the Xilinx website. Then follow the Petalinux Reference Manual (UG1144), also available from Xilinx, to install the petalinux tools and use the ZedBoard BSP to create a default Petalinux project for the ZedBoard. If you just do a build with the default project settings, I believe it will include tcf-agent. In the images folder, you should find some ramdisk images that "might" work with your other binaries, though you may need to rename it to ramdisk8M.image.gz (make sure you choose a file that already has a .gz extension, or compress the image yourself). I've never tested this, that ramdisk is designed to work with the kernel, u-boot, etc. images generated by Petalinux, so it might not boot correctly with your kernel and bootloaders.

If that doesn't work, then I would recommend reading through UG1144 some more to learn how to use Petalinux to generate all of your boot files, which is the expected use case.

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