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Analog Discovery 2 function generator clipping



When I use the waveform generator on my analog discovery 2, the input signal produced has started clipping at around -1.2 or so. I tried it on multiple computers and tried each type and setting and cannot produce correct results. When the amplitude is set to 1V the negative swing does not reach all the way to -1 but the positive swing is correct. When amplitude is greater than 1V it clips on the negative swing. Anyone know what could be wrong?

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3 answers to this question

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Hello @KatG,

I have moved your question to a more appropriate section of the Forum. How are you measuring the signal the WaveForm Generator is creating; are you using the oscilloscope of the AD2 or something different? Could you provide a screenshot of your setup in WaveForms so we can take a look at your settings?


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Hi @KatG

-Do you have any load connected to the AWG output? These supports output current of 10mA-50mA which depends on the voltage, so exceeding 10mA could look like clipping.
-You could try loading the factory calibration, WaveForms/ Settings/ Device Manager/ Calibrate/ Reset/ Load factory

In case the problem persists, to have a better overlook on the issue:
-Please connect AWG 1 to Scope 1, W1 to 1+ and 1- to GND
-Post some screenshots with the Wavegen configuration and Scope capture.


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