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linux packages




i wish to expand my Basic Linux image (petalinux) with the apt-get package. Therefor i used the "petalinux-config -c rootfs" command. But i do not find the right package for the "apt-get"-tool.

My Primary issue is to install the libgcc because the Xilinx SDK told me, that i Need that library to run my c-code.

- How do i install the apt-get package (where to find)?

- How do i install a so called "gcclib_s.so.1" or something like that?


Thank you...


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3 answers to this question

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Petalinux will not enable you to connect to a standard debian package repository using apt

Petalinux just isnt set up for that. The reasons for this are outside the scope of this forum.

Any packages that you wish to include in your image that are not listed in "petalinux-config -c rootfs"  would need to be built from source and manually included in your custom linux image as an app or package. Digilent will not provide step-by-step instructions for this, but there are some resources on the internet that would show you how to do this.





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