I've been working on a custom Vivado design that uses embedded Linux. I have been using Xillinux 1.3 but I've switched to using Vivado 2014.4 and Xillinux is not compatible with anything beyond 2014.1, I am looking to switch to a different distribution of Linux. I have been following the directions of the following tutorial https://www.digilentinc.com/Data/Products/ZYBO/Embedded_Linux_Hands-on_Tutorial.pdf
I already have my own uboot.elf, fsbl.elf, boot.bin, bitstream, and device tree for the custom design. All I'm really looking for is a Linux kernal image for the Zybo Zynq that I can load onto an SD card with my other previously generated files. On page 25 of the tutorial, in the section "Test Kernel Image with Pre-built File System", there is a bullet that says "Pre-built File System Image: ramdisk Image is available in ZYBO Linux Reference Design"
I've done a lot of googling and looking through the forums but I can't seem to find this "Zybo Linux Reference Design." Can anyone point me towards where I can find this? Or can someone provide me with the Linux Kernal image (uimage) for the Zybo?
Hi all,
I've been working on a custom Vivado design that uses embedded Linux. I have been using Xillinux 1.3 but I've switched to using Vivado 2014.4 and Xillinux is not compatible with anything beyond 2014.1, I am looking to switch to a different distribution of Linux. I have been following the directions of the following tutorial https://www.digilentinc.com/Data/Products/ZYBO/Embedded_Linux_Hands-on_Tutorial.pdf
I already have my own uboot.elf, fsbl.elf, boot.bin, bitstream, and device tree for the custom design. All I'm really looking for is a Linux kernal image for the Zybo Zynq that I can load onto an SD card with my other previously generated files. On page 25 of the tutorial, in the section "Test Kernel Image with Pre-built File System", there is a bullet that says "Pre-built File System Image: ramdisk Image is available in ZYBO Linux Reference Design"
I've done a lot of googling and looking through the forums but I can't seem to find this "Zybo Linux Reference Design." Can anyone point me towards where I can find this? Or can someone provide me with the Linux Kernal image (uimage) for the Zybo?
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