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New User, Want to use Arty Board for data acq and storage


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Hi everyone,

I have been using the Arty board off and on for over a year. I have been through the examples and have extended them for my own use.

I have a project where I need to do 12 to 16 bit analog to digital conversion at an absolute minimum rate of 1us. Then I need to store a full seconds worth of data before transferring the data to a Linux machine for software processing.

My plan is to ultimately use a SPI based converter but will start with the XADC, which I have running.

What I need is a reference project that uses the DDR3 on the Arty board without a processor. I have not been able to find a complete project which uses the DDR3 without a processor.

Thank you for any assistance you can give me.


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Have you considered the OpenArty project?  While much of the project is controlled by a ZipCPU, there is a debug access port that you can use to control the memory.  Internal to the design is a wishbone bus, which is then converted to an AXI bus, which the controls the memory.  Even better, the OpenArty spec will describe how to set the memory up for use with the design.

Hope this helps,


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