I built a Microblaze design successfully and I am now starting to work on getting Linux running on my Arty.
I am at the point where I cloned the device_tree git repo and all the references show this flow but after launching the SDK from Vivado I cannot see the menu option Xilinx Tools.
The SDK has a lot of buttons grayed out. I was able to generate a hello world with no issue and run that on the board.
# Otherwise for SDK 2014.2 use this repo:
git clone git://github.com/Xilinx/device-tree-xlnx.git
Add the BSP repository in SDK (for SDK 2014.2 and later select "device-tree-xlnx" from the checked out git area):
SDK Menu: Xilinx Tools > Repositories > New... (<bsp repo>) > OK ****** Where do I find this
Create a Device Tree Board Support Package (BSP):
SDK Menu: File > New > Board Support Package > Board Support Package OS: device-tree > Finish
Apologies again if this is me being an idiot again
After working in ISE, I am new to Vivado.
I built a Microblaze design successfully and I am now starting to work on getting Linux running on my Arty.
I am at the point where I cloned the device_tree git repo and all the references show this flow but after launching the SDK from Vivado I cannot see the menu option Xilinx Tools.
The SDK has a lot of buttons grayed out. I was able to generate a hello world with no issue and run that on the board.
Apologies again if this is me being an idiot again
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